Season 9, Week 2
Agrias Oaks
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Agrias's first DL bout must feel anticlimactic after taking on the Lucavi and Altima. Any one of her holy swordskills whould wreak havoc on her opponent, but the confusion of Holy Explosion and Crush Punch's chance of instant death are her best bets. Both spell doom for Ras if the status hits - assuming, of course, the raw damage doesn't flatten Ras first. With the swordskills ignoring evasion, life will be short for the cross-dressing swordsman either way.



He's the most charming merchant ever to hit Middle, but Rassius's job this match is much simpler than making a sale. Agrias' status attacks may indeed be able to overwhelm him... if he were limited to his PC form. However, Rassius also happens to have an incredibly defensive boss form, which hurts Agrias seriously in this match. After a few shots of his trusty Dragon Flash, he should be off to the quarterfinals without a spot of trouble.

Sir Chris
"Oh hey I can dodge evade ha ha ha"

"Heaven's wish to destroy all minds... HOLY EXPLOSION!"


2 seconds later...


Agrias Oaks: 28
Rassius Luine: 4