Season 10, Week 1
(Phantasy Star)
Phantasy Star's Legendary Warrior finally has a match - a chance to prove himself worthy of the title. Though he doesn't quite live up to the legends, he's still not to be taken lightly. Armed with his legendary Laconian Axe and equally effective Laser Gun, Odin is ready to go toe to toe with his sleepy opponent. Juan's initial sleeping state should give Odin the inital advantage in this fight; a good solid axe blow to the head should put Juan to sleep permanently, sealing Odin's first victory in Middle.



Suikoden III’s lazy skills trainer makes his debut in Season 10, and he probably isn't feeling good about having to fight a Legendary Warrior of all people. Luckily for Juan, Odin is about as far from legendary - or hell, even effective - as one could get. While Juan has some of the hardest hitting attacks in his game, Odin can barely hit his enemies at all. After Juan wakes up from his nap, he should be refreshed enough to easily crush his inferior opponent.

The match began...and Juan fell asleep. Odin was about to attack, but seeing Juan asleep, and defenseless, he knew it was against his honor as a Legendary Warrior to attack someone while sleeping...

Unfortunatly, Odin himself fell asleep from boredom too...and when he hit the ground, he made a loud "Thud" which woke Juan up. Pity to Odin that Juan doesn't share anything CLOSE to the same Honor Odin has, and procceeded to beat the living day lights out of him for waking him up.

Needless to say, that was one nap Juan didn't want to wake up from, as well as one nap Odin DIDN'T wake up from.

Odin: 4
Juan: 28