Season 11, Week 1
(Chrono Cross)
In her first match in the RPGDL, Orlha faces a foe who can capitalize on her greatest weakness. As a Blue innate character, Orlha fears fire elemental attacks, meaning Borus’ Sword of Rage Rune could help take the Guldovian down in a few short swings. Of course, this doesn’t mean Orlha’s fate is sealed. With her impressive evade, even the very accurate Borus may have trouble hitting the bartending beauty. And Orlha’s impressive strength and potent Blue skills may be just the right tools to take down the Zexen Knight.



Even among the elite Zexen Knights, Borus's skills with a sword are without peer. Chris and Percival have already represented his country in the League, so the Swordsman of Rage has a lot to live up to. Luckily, his opponent this week is a piece of cake. Borus will get good use out of his Sword of Rage against the water elemental Orlha, and his great physical defense will protect him from most of Orlha's damage. Altogether, Borus should have an easy time in his debut match.

Let's see, we have a Suikoden 3 Heavy Armour user versus a Chrono Cross character without any magical techs. Do the math; if you can't figure it out from there, you don't deserve to know.

Orlha: 7
Borus Redrum: 29