Season 2, Week 3
Cait Sith
(Final Fantasy VII)
Cait Sith's run of luck has seemed to run out. He's facing a much tougher lunar mage this weak than the frail Mia Ausa. He's facing a status attacker who's not only much faster than he, but with more accurate attacks, and variety to boot. Cait isn't without options, though. His powerful physical attack will still put a hurting on Nash, and he isn't going to want lose to someone who looks as silly as Nash does.



Nash is probably wondering when his opponents are going to get serious... first a man who gets bossed around by a pair of small dragons, and now, a stuffed toy riding on another, larger stuffed toy? Well, although Nash will no doubt have some choice insults to direct Cait Sith's way, he'll at least be able to back them up. This match, after all, is a battle of status attackers. There are really three questions, then. Who has the better status attacks, who has the better magic defence, and most importantly, who is faster. The answers, by the way, are Nash, Nash, and Nash. Which means it's pretty much a dead certainty that Nash will once again be able to provide his fans another special delivery of a win.

Dark Holy Elf
Nash had a furious look on his face. Not just the usual contempt for his opponent, but outright rage. As soon as the battle began, he called out the words which were always the last thing an opponent fighting him heard...

"Special delivery!"

Cait Sith was out like a light to a Sleep spell before he even had a chance to begin his own spellcasting. The crowed groaned, as Nash had just won another match in the blink of an eye. They'd seen this before... all the Vane mage had to do now was cast Petrify, and end it...

So everyone was surprised when Nash pulled out a bow. Not his Starlight Bow, mind you, but a regular, ordinary, bow. Moving almost faster than the eye could see as always, Nash quickly let loose an arrow, waking Cait Sith up. "Who shot me with an arrow?" called the robotic cat, as he came to. "Why you..." and he was interrupted as Nash hit him with another sleep spell.

And so it went. For what had to be one of the longest matches in the history of the RPGDL, Nash alternated between waking his opponent up with an arrow, then immediately knocking him back to sleep. Finally, when his stuffed toy opponent fell over in defeat, Nash walked up to Cait Sith, and kicked him. "You jerk! That will teach you to beat up my girlfriend!"

He turned to the sidelines. "There you go, Mia!" he said. "Not only did I avenge your defeat, but I did it in the most painful way possible."

"Nash..." said Mia. "It's not that I don't appreciate the sentiment, but did it ever occur to you that remotely-controlled robots don't feel pain?"

"Oh," said Nash, right before cursing very, very loudly.

Cait Sith: 1
Nash Rumack: 11