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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Lezard Valeth vs Daos Myau vs Gades Rinoa Heartilly vs Ursula Kelvena vs Kongol
Kuja vs Grahf Beatrix vs Lucian Alma Beoulve vs Elena Elly van Houten vs Luna
Zeal, Queen vs Jowy Atreides Valvalis vs Robo Marle (Nadia Guardia) vs Futch Maria Balthasar vs Badrach
Anastasia Valeria vs Tir McDohl Alex vs Royce Hahn Mahlay vs Viki Vincent DeBoule vs Milon
Week 1 - Eliminations

Lezard Valeth (VPs) Lezard Valeth vs Daos Daos (Lufias)

Dark Reflector is really the deciding factor here. If he can get it off before Lezard rapes him with his spells, then Daos wins. If Lezard goes first, he has to finish Daos off in one round to kill Daos off. This is something I don't think he can do.

Lezard Valeth: 6
Daos: 9

Wave Existance
Dark Reflector >>>>> Pure Mages

Heh...Lezard's magic won't do a thing against Daos' Dark Reflector. Think Lezard would like to eat his own Meteor Swarm? I think not...

To be fair, the Sinistrals have never been all that impressive. Meanwhile, Lezard does have spammable Great Magic.

Even with his every-turn Great Magic (a fact I had forgotten, since I'm used to him on my side), Lezard simply can't win a war of attrition, which is basically what Daos does.

Sir Alex
Dark Reflector and healing and status attacks, oh me oh my.

Rob the Stampede
Daos never gave me much trouble. Lezard, however, did.

Kuja (FF9) Kuja vs Grahf Grahf (XG)

Grahf has this tendency to be, well, crap. He may be Godlike, but most Godlikes can beat him... and Transvestite Thong Monkey Boy is better than most Godlikes, despite his terrible fashion sense.

Kuja: 15
Grahf: 0

Dark Holy Elf
Star Flare counters + Curaga + speed is a nasty combo.

Curaga and Flare Star is the kicker here.

Sir Alex
Grahf doesn't do enough damage to overpower Curaga by THAT much. Kuja can bomb Grahf until his HP is low enough for the Flare Stars to kick in, and then Curaga every turn and let the counters do the rest.

Jack Power
Grahf was a minor mid-game boss with somewhat impressive attacks and a plot ability that doesn't help him at all. Kuja was the main villain and second to last boss, with impressive magic and extremely powerful plot ability. No contest.

Rob the Stampede
Simply, Kuja can just heal and rely on counters for damage. Attrition.

Kuja is fast. He also has strong spells and healing. Grahf is strong, but he probably can't take many of Kuja's spells.

Zeal, Queen (CT) Zeal, Queen vs Jowy Atreides Jowy Atreides (S2)

While True Runes are very strong, as well as their wielders, they can't help you if you don't have the charges to use them. MP Buster, Hallation, then death.

Zeal, Queen: 14
Jowy Atreides: 0

Dark Holy Elf
Jowy is fast, but not fast enough to Hungry Friend twice before MP Buster stops his offence cold.

Easy win for Zeal. Sorry, Jowy, but you won't kill her before she kills you.

Psy Slaver
Heh.... Ha ha.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha... Jowy strong enough to beat Zeal before she gets two moves off? You gotta be kidding...

Sir Alex
Zeal. Although she doesn't use it, her form that can use Hallation without you being a dumbass and attacking the hands DOES have other attacks.

Rob the Stampede
This is really one-sided... almost all of Jowy's Black Sword Rune spells are hit-all spells. Without these spells, Jowy is just an above average fighter. All Zeal needs to do use Hallation and tap Jowy on the shoulder (or cast Hexagate, either way).


Anastasia Valeria (WA2) Anastasia Valeria vs Tir McDohl Tir McDohl (Suikos)

Anastasia has no chance in this match. And here's why I think that. First off, Salvation is no good unless she uses it. This means that her ID protection is not innate. So she has to go first. Against someone as fast as Tir, her odds of that ain't so hot. However, even if she DOES go first, she's still not guaranteed a win. After all, Salvation ain't gonna do squat unless she has the FP to cast it. Now, unless she starts with 80FP (I looked up how much it costs, so that IS an accurate figure) she ain't gonna cast it on her first turn. Against McDohl, you only get one chance at most, so she'll have to use Impulse. Now, Impulse does 15k against the big baddie, and 7k against random enemies. 15k is lethal no matter what, 7k is impressive, but a strong person with good HP can survive it. This means that McDohl gets his turn and uses Deadly Fingertips, and wins.

Anastasia Valeria: 4
Tir McDohl: 8

Dekar TKB
Blah blah blah Deadly Fingertips blah.

Anastasia is an excellent dueler, and a female to boot. Salvation protects her from dying, and even if Impulse won't do full damage, it will STILL hurt. Plus she's got effective, full-healing.

A pity that Salvation's cost is so high, right? Even if she goes first, Tir just instant kills before Salvation can be cast.

Psy Slaver
Heh. Instant death is cool, huh?

Sorry Ana, Salvation isn't quick enough

Rob the Stampede
Ana's speed is roughly on par with Ashley's. Tir is among the fastest characters in Suikoden, with a 100% instant death spell. Tir quickdraws Deadly Fingertips, Ana goes down.

Myau (PS1) Myau vs Gades Gades (Lufias)

Gades stomped in, eager to hand out pure, unbridaled destruction to his opponent. He looked around. "Where is my enemy?"

"Look down," responded a small voice. Gades gazed down at the small cat known as Myau. Immediately, his eyes turned into little pink hearts!

"Ooh! Kitty kitty kitty! Look at the kitty!" He ran over and picked Myau up, and sat down. "I'll feed him and love him and keep him safe and hug him and call him George and love him!" he yelled as he hugged Myau tightly. He sat there for the next three minutes, chanting "Kitty kitty kitty" and hugging Myau.

"I'm... confused..." uttered Amon, from the stands.

"You're always confused, you're the Sinistral of Chaos," Erim reminded him.

"Oh, yeah."

"This is sickening," Daos muttered under his breath as he watched the atrocity of a fight.

Back on the arena floor, Gades was... still hugging Myau, obviously not hearing the pleas to be released. "Can't. Breath. Let. Go. GGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAHCK."

"Gaaaaa-k?" Gades blinked, confused. "I thought kitties went meo--" he looked at the suffocated corpse of Myau. "Oh, no!" Gades bawled. "MY KITTY!! WAAAAAH! DAAAOOO~SS!!!" Gades screamed, running from the arena.

"I want to vomit." The three sinistrals muttered in unison after the... "Battle"... was over

Myau: 0
Gades: 8

Dekar TKB
Undead makes Gades too powerful for Myau. He has too much HP for Myau to take him down before he maxes out, and kills it in one shot.

I think it's a little closer than most think, but Gades still takes it. His Lufia form allows him Undead, which gives him a MAJOR boost to attack AND defense, which is stackable. Myau may be fast, strong, and have lots of variety, but Gades can smash the kitty in one hit. A pity, really.

Not much to really say here. Though I do feel a little sad for Myau.

That's what happens when a kitty first tries to scratch an armored foes, and then is stepped on by said armored foe... Sorry, Myau.

Beatrix (FF9) Beatrix vs Lucian Lucian (VP1)

Dark Holy Elf
The Blind argument works for me. Beatrix's speed is also crucial to the equation.

Beatrix: 13
Lucian: 1

Blind works for me as well.

Lucian had my vote, then came the Blind revelation.

Bah. I don't remember if Blind worked that often, but Beatrix is comparable in power with Lucian. While it wouldn't take more than one or two rounds of Shining Bolt + Round Rip Saber combos to beat Beatrix, a blind Lucian isn't going to hit anything.

Wave Existance
Beatrix has crappy damage....but at least she has healing. Lucian has crappy damage and no healing.

The Blind thing would normally work... except that Lucian has a habit of locking opponents in a Stun status with the exaggerated number of hits Shining Bolt does. I don't recall Beatrix being exaggeratedly fast, so I, just barely, give this to Lucian. But it is REALLY close and could go either way.

Dekar TKB
I'd have never thought of Blind had it not been mentioned, but...Healing+Blind. Lucian really can't do enough damage to counter it.

Valvalis (FF4) Valvalis vs Robo Robo (CT)

Damn. I hate Valvalis, and I like Robo, but she can probably beat him... she has the weak spell (Tornado in other versions), which lowers HP to critical levels. While Robo can heal this damage, that is one turn that he needs to smash her up. She's faster than Robo, even with the Atropos Ribbon. I don't think that stone will work, but one weak spell and a well placed physical attack should do the trick.

Valvalis: 15
Robo: 2

Dark Holy Elf
Valvalis is too fast for Robo.

Yeah, bosses are typically stronger than PCs.

Valvalis may not be much in the way of raw attack, but she has the speed and will double turn Robo eventually.

Valvalis' tornado form shut's down Robo's physical attacks, which still leaves him pretty well off, with his techs... unless, that is, Valvalis' tornado form also would block those, since they're not magic related. Close match in one interpretation, blowout in the other. Either way, Valvalis should be able to pull this off.

Valvalis' speed isn't that great. Robo's is average (with Atropos' Ribbon). Promethius need only open up with a Shock (was it my imagination, or did Val take more damage from lightning that the other elements? She's not weak to it...) and alternate between healing and Laser Spins to take it.

Psy Slaver
Robo is too slow. He will have to choose between healing or causing damage, and he will end up dead either way.

Alex (Lunar1) Alex vs Royce Royce (Lunar1)

Yep, he boss wins again.

Alex: 0
Royce: 14

Dark Holy Elf
Flamebird. Shot Lancer.

An easy in-game comparison.

In nearly every case, Boss > PC when they're in the same game.

Psy Slaver
It's a given. Her Flame Bird gives her the edge.

Sir Alex
I think there's a reasonable grey area in most matches. But when both people are from the same game... much as I'd like my companion in namehood to advance, he has no chance to survive make his time.

Jack Power
Alex is a good fighter, but up against a late game boss from his own game, um...

Rinoa Heartilly (FF8) Rinoa Heartilly vs Ursula Ursula (BoF4)

Sir Alex
Ursula's Death, which is actually very inaccurate compared to other game's versions of it, comes in useful for something. Whoulda thought?

Rinoa Heartilly: 4
Ursula: 8

Rinoa's not immune to death, is she? Only if she hits her limit, and Ursula will make sure that doesn't happen.

Jack Power
Close match, but I think Ursula has a decent chance of getting off a Death spell before Rinoa does serious damage.

Rob the Stampede
Ursula had quite a few of those great multi-hit weapons that do a great job of tearing in to the enemy.

Rinoa. Bah. They're pretty even, but Death almost never worked for me in the BOF games

Wave Existance
Ursula deals good damage with the Repeater (Not the Culverin or Electrifyer mind you).....Rinoa doesn't do good damage, and she won't be surviving to get any Desperation off.

Alma Beoulve (FFT) Alma Beoulve vs Elena Elena (FF7)

Easy. Alma's pretty underrated, and Elena's not going to get her status attack off.

Alma Beoulve: 10
Elena: 5

Dark Holy Elf
Alma. Seems like an easy enough pick.

Yeah, Alma is built to win this fight.

Yeah, it's as if Alma was meant to off her.

Ooh, I'm so scared by Alma's mediocre damage and piss-poor MP. That said, Elena wins in a long, drawn out battle. God she sucks.

Sir Alex
Alma in Middle? *shakes head* Yeah.

Rob the Stampede
Elena was... well, crap.

Marle (Nadia Guardia) (CT) Marle (Nadia Guardia) vs Futch Futch (Suikos)

Sir Alex
Haste. Healing. Ice 2, which isn't really that bad of a spell. But most of all, Flirt.

Marle (Nadia Guardia): 11
Futch: 3

Dark Holy Elf
Haste, healing... she'll outlast Futch.

Longevity is Marle's advantage here. Haste, attack, heal, repeat.

Longevity > mediocrity

Psy Slaver
The fight will be long, but Marle won't lose to the likes of Futch.

Rob the Stampede
One critical from the Masamune puts Marle down.

This battle sucks. Futch has a lightning Rune, but that's not going to kill Marle, who has above average Magic Defense. Unless he criticals her (which WILL kill her), he stands no chance. On the other hand, Marle's going to be healing, then shooting him. It'll take her about 90 years to kill him, but she can do it.

Hahn Mahlay (PS4) Hahn Mahlay vs Viki Viki (Suikos)

Dekar TKB
I don't believe Viki's teleportation spells should work, but since the rules clearly state she gets it, Hahn is cheated out of a win.

Hahn Mahlay: 4
Viki: 5

Hahn is very underrated. I don't see Viki's rune working for her often enough to be a factor.

Hahn ain't going first, Viki's rune works more often than it doesn't.

Psy Slaver
Viki, I love you. But without a decent Rune, you can't win matches in Light, let alone Heavy.

Viki-Teleport than ring out. She couldn't possibely fail if she is all by herself

*blink* *Hahn reappears 10 miles over the ground* *a VERY long scream is heard, ending in a sickening thud*

Kelvena (XG) Kelvena vs Kongol Kongol (LoD)

I ain't gonna touch this one

Kelvena: 3
Kongol: 11

Yes, this IS a joke match.

Dark Holy Elf
Kongol. At least he does damage.

Jack Power
Why are the Elements even in this? Throw them out and stick to the playables and main bosses.

Rob the Stampede
I autovote against Kelvena

Wave Existance
I give Kelvena a scaled down Water spell....and Kongol with his horrid magic defense isn't surviving it.

Fanboy Crusher

At least he does damage

Elly van Houten (XG) Elly van Houten vs Luna Luna (Lunar1)

Jack Power
I'm not giving Luna her goddess powers, so even Elly can mop the floor with her.

Elly van Houten: 12
Luna: 1

Dark Holy Elf
I'm still wondering how Elly ended up in Light. Even stat-scaled, Luna has no chance.

Eh...Elly isn't that great, but she does much better damage.

Much as I like Luna...

Wave Existance
Sleep Status (Almost 100% chance) + Ether Doubler + 100% Accuracy Spells = fairly good dueler. Elly mostly suffers from Speed and Longevity problems...

In this match....constant Hyper Water Deathblows should work just fine...seeing as how Luna has NO damage really.

(BTW, I know the Ether Doubler would be banned in this particular tourney, but I bring it up anyways)

Maria Balthasar (XG) Maria Balthasar vs Badrach Badrach (VP1)

Spherestrike.. or whatever it's called... Blows. One hit for measely damage. Maria's controls, while still weak, do not totally blow.

Maria Balthasar: 9
Badrach: 6

Dark Holy Elf
Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh.

Badrach is not that bad. He can build up to Sphere Strike in 3 rounds, and his attack power is decent. He should be able to survive some Controls to take her out by then ( if she doesn't die earlier ).
[Editor's note: 6 rounds against PC sized enemies actually...maybe 5 on a good day]{Archivist's note: Monkeys}

They're both the weakest members of their cast. Maria just has the advantage of less really good people to make her relatively worse.

Count on Maria to end a Xeno sweep. She doesn't have the physical fortitude to stand up against even Badrach.

Rob the Stampede
...I gotta make the tough call and say Badrach. Maria is slow and fragile.

Sphere Shot isn't the worst PWS around, but Badrach probably isn't going to get it off. Control did fairly decent damage, which is more than Badrach can do.

Vincent DeBoule (S2) Vincent DeBoule vs Milon Milon (FF4)

Dark Holy Elf
Heal, cast The Shredding. Repeat until Milon = dead, which won't take long.

Vincent DeBoule: 12
Milon: 1

Milon = crap.

Psy Slaver
Vincent - It seems right. He is not exactly a good mage, but still...

Sir Alex
The Shredding. Heal. Repeat. Wait, someone already said that.

Rob the Stampede
Healing and attack magic. Milon without his sidekicks is nearly useless.

This a pretty boring match. Milon didn't have much offensive output. Vincent has a lot more with Shredding spells and healing.

Wave Existance
Close....a scaled Milon isn't that bad....but still, anyone with healing should beat him.