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Kefka vs Profound Darkness Nina Wyndia vs Jenova Ursula vs Kanon Reis Dular vs Nanami
Ryu vs Fou-Lu Surt vs Jecht Charizard vs Odessa Silverberg Elly van Houten vs Chisato Madison
Week 4 - Quarterfinals

Kefka (FF6) Kefka vs Profound Darkness Profound Darkness (PS4)

Kefka and Profound Darkness. Both have immense power. Both knew this match would be harder than any match they had thud far but both were determined to make it to the championship. They decided to search for a way to insure thier victory over thier powerful opponent. They both spent all week thinking about how to win.

When it came time for the match, both entrants came in confident that they had found a way to win.

First Kefka decided that if his opponents name was Profound 'DARKNESS' that he could be destroyed by a beam of light. Unfortunately by the time he thought of this the match was only an hour away so the only light he could get on such short notice was a flash light. Kefka took out the flash light and shouted "Take this fool! Muwehehehehehe!!!" as he pointed the flashlight at Profound and flicked on the switch.

Unfortunately the 'Darkness' in 'Profound Darkness' did not refer to an actual darkness that light could make disappear. After getting a chuckle out of Kefka's futile attempts, Profound Darkness took out a large bomb, ignited the fuse, and surprisingly, rather then throwing it at Kefka, chucked it at the crowd causing mass destruction.

He knew Kefka couldn't resist watching some poor fools get blown up and, as you could guess, Kefka turned his back to Profound Darkness to watch the chaos. Profound Darkness took this chance to ready an attack for Kefka but his mass chaos plan backfired on him and a large piece of debris landed right on top of him, crushing him, making Kefka the winner.

Eventually the flames of the explosion were put out and Kefka realized he had lost focus on his match but then he realized that he was all alone in an empty and dark stadium.

Kefka: 36
Profound Darkness: 20

Kefka rules you all.

Ryu (BoF4) Ryu vs Fou-Lu Fou-Lu (BoF4)

Hate Hate Hate
Ugh, this one does not require a whole lot of thought.

There are two possible outcomes: 1. Fou-Lu whomps Ryu 5 feet into the Arena floor, or 2. They fuse together to become the unstoppable Infini dragon.

Either way, Fou-Lu wins.

Ryu: 11
Fou-Lu: 50

Ryu and Fou Lu are basically the same. Just different elements, and that Ryu has summons.

And that he's just plain better than Fou Lu in the later levels. Win goes to Ryu!

Nina Wyndia (BoF1) Nina Wyndia vs Jenova Jenova (FF7)

Ah, Jenova. Smarter than she looks.

She knew that no single form of her's could easily defeat Nina.

But, really, when you grow full bodies from small chunks of yourself, who needs a single form?

Jenova, Jenova, Jenova and Jenova were easily able to slaughter Nina. With the power of all four of her forms, none can stop her.

Well, except maybe people that can hit more than one thing at once. But how many of those are there?

Nina Wyndia: 31
Jenova: 36

Surt (VP1) Surt vs Jecht Jecht (FFX)

After last week's competition, Jecht has come up with a novel new fighting style.

He calls it the Drunken Aeon. Basically, it involves knocking back a few (dozen) before fighting, then fighting "normally".

The net effect of this fighting style is startling.

Jecht's moves during the match included attempting to Jecht Beam Surt twice, being puzzled about why the petrification wasn't working, yelling loudly and drunkenly about being on fire, flipping over Surt and kicking him in the...rear, still screaming about being on fire, then grabbing a section of the arena wall, ripping it out, dropping it on the prone and stunned Surt, then propositioning a woman behind the wall, namely one Terra Branford.

(On a related note, no one has decided if ripping out a piece of the wall was meant to hurt Surt, or if he was just trying to get to Terra.)

Ultimately, the net result was that Jecht won, Surt woke up with a hell of a headache, and Jecht ended up fifteen feet underwater wondering where his pants were. An overall success for the new fighting style.

Surt: 23
Jecht: 33

Ursula (FE7) Ursula vs Kanon Kanon (WA2)

Having just finished the entire Star Wars collection in one sitting, Kanon decided use her Wire Fist to re-enact her favorite scene from Empire Strikes Back.

End result? One horsey hog-tied, one Ursula launched out of the ring, and one Kanon moving on to the finals.

Ursula: 14
Kanon: 35

Charizard (PKMN) Charizard vs Odessa Silverberg Odessa Silverberg (S1)

This match was simple enough.

As Charizard entered the arena, confident after beating one wind mage from Suikoden already, Odessa simply smiled.

When Charizard flew across the arena, poised to strike with a mighty Slash, Odessa just cast The Shredding on him.

The force of which knocked him into the stands, for a ring out. And, more importantly, the force of the blow knocked the lizard out anyhow.

"...I...no...no, I can't have just seen that." Crowley said, his jaw dropping.

"I to-"

"Say it and die, Brey. Say it and die." Crowley said, slapping a hand over Brey's mouth.

Charizard: 26
Odessa Silverberg: 29

Reis Dular (FFT) Reis Dular vs Nanami Nanami (S2)

As it turns out, Nanami's very good at talking her brother into anything.

I mean, anything.

And, from the distance the stands are at, it's kinda hard to see the combatants.

And, really, Nanami's as flatchested as Riou.

Of course, most of the more knowledgable people in the stands knew something illegal was up when "Nanami" cast Forgiver Sign on Reis, but it was a bit late by then.

Or would have been, except Holy Dragons aren't effected by holy.

Riou, realizing that winning this battle would involve getting burned/frozen/electrocuted repeatedly over and over, and that it'd probably do no good anyhow, decided that, for once, it wasn't worth going along with his sister, and walked out.

Nanami's ticked off at Riou, of course. She blames him for her getting disqualified. But that's nothing new, she blames him for a lot of things.

And she'll forget it in five minutes anyways.

Reis Dular: 30
Nanami: 28

Elly van Houten (XG) Elly van Houten vs Chisato Madison Chisato Madison (SO2)

After last weeks fashion fiasco, certain precautions were taken with Ms. Van Houten's room this week. The entirety of ring-side security was placed within 50 feet of her locker room, several freshly-minted Holy Swordsmen guarded the door, and several off-duty Godlikes patrolled the area hourly (Albedo was reportedly hospitalized doing this after making 'obscene' gestures towards one Emeralda Kasim). In fact, never had a Dueller been better protected.
The downside, of course, was that everywhere else was completely vulnerable.
It was a red-letter day for thieves and adventurers. Among other cases, most of the multiverse’s Airships mysteriously disappeared, the Vault of Banned Equipment was found the next day to have no Materia, and even the shirt off Nate Nanjo's back was stolen (though in this case the thief, an Al Bhed who chose not to divulge their name, was almost immediately found and severely beaten. Apparently this act was committed on a dare.)
It was also a chance for an oft-shunned segment of the League's population to broker a deal. Apparently banking on her legendary temper and potential for media exposure, Zidane Tribal, Edgar Figaro, and Zelos Wilder decided to 'drop in' on Chisato Madison to make their case for allowing so-called perverts have more access to Duellers. Her reaction was severe to say the least. The men have not been seen publicly since their ejection several hours later from Ms. Madison's room and subsequent hours of unconsciousness.
Of course, the thoroughness of the beating she delivered cause Chisato to miss the match, handing Elly another easy victory, but so it goes.

Elly van Houten: 36
Chisato Madison: 19

Tête à Teta

For all that King Hyral may possess the shrewdest strategic mind Ivalice has ever seen, he sure is fast to lose his cool at the mention of his sister.

So when the handpicked Black Sheep knights butchered his reanimated henchmen and broke into his lab, Lezard wasn't too surprised to see Delita himself among them, the very picture of murderous rage.

It didn't matter. His triumph was already at hand.

The moment of his epiphany had arrived when, feverishly searching the Philosopher's Stone's pages for some clue, he discovered a passage that alluded to the possibliity of a "shark" bringing life to the "always dead." While Lezard did not immediately grasp the meaning of this arcane truth, he realized the correct interpretation in a flash of insight and promptly distilled an exact replica of Teta via a homunculus made by the flesh of hammerheads to serve as a vessel for her soul. As Delita came in and prepared grimly to slaughter the mage for this impudent defilement, the transfer was already complete and his sister was alive.

Teta sat up as the cackling wizard strode toward her with a knife in hand, ignoring the arrows that fell short out of concern for hitting the girl. "Teta?" he asked, just to be absolutely sure.

"Yes? Oh, Delita!" In came the knife, stabbing towards her heart to kill her as only one before him ever had.

And missing to Teta's base front evasion. And provoking a Counter Tackle which knocked out Lezard Valeth on the spot moments before an untimely Holy Explosion directed at the mad wizard ended Teta's brief return to the land of the living.

Lezard could have probably found a way to fail more completely, but it's doubtful that he could have done so in any way as humiliating. For his part, Delita's busy handling the coverup on that rumor about him cutting out the tongues of priests for some sort of failure to revive somebody. What a silly bunch of anarchist propoganda.

Lezard succeeds: 23
Lezard fails: 31

Jo'ou Ranbu
Teta is far too Godlike for Lezard. Of course, if plot powers fail, she could always fall down on him and he'd die.

You know, when you're frail to the point a falling body can kill you regardless of height, you are just certain that you are VERY sad.