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Lady vs False Althena Sir Leopold vs Arc Eda Ricolne Yuki vs Alice Elliot Fu So Ya vs Dinn
Week 5 - Semifinals

Lady (SH3) Lady vs False Althena False Althena (Lunar2)

*Three hours before the match...*

"What in the hell do you mean, she might not win?" Killer asked, glaring at Gilbert.

"Hm, yes, well, they're not precisely calling it a blow out. Both channel evil powers, both are known for massive overpowered blasts, both are good at taking hits, and False Althena can keep using her blasts. For the superficial, it's simple, although Lady has some other advantages." Gilbert mused. "It's interesting to hear people talk about it."

"...hah. Don't worry, I'll fix anything close about that match." Killer shrugged, and headed for the door.

"Is that so? You know, Zophar really does enjoy his inferior, half-insane pet mauling people." Gilbert said to Killer's back with a sigh. "You don't stand much of a chance, if he catches wind of it."

"Go to hell." Killer replied simply, as the door closed behind him.

*One hour before the match...*

"Idiot. This'll be simple. All I have to do is slit her throat while she sits there, untransformed." Killer said, looking in False Althena's window. "Easy enough."

Killer, fundamentally a straightforward man, didn't see the trap coming.

*The time of the match.*

"You know, I'm impressed." Edge said to Yuri, grinning. "Physical threats of violence? You've come along to my way of thinking! Abuse that power to the hilt!"

"...Edge, we already do. It just didn't involve one of your crack-brained schemes this time." Yuri said, shrugging. "I mean, who the hell would you have me threaten? Piastol?"

"...right, we do tend to make enemies a lot more powerful than us. And it's not fair! It's always by accident!" "Right, Edge." "No, seriously! We never really dese-"

Edge was cut off by a massive blast of stone smashing into him.

Along with Killer.

"...damn...it. I managed to run...from that...bastard this long, I'm not going to let him kill me now." Killer said, struggling to his feet.

"...my...spleen...did he have to...stand...up on it..." A battered Edge mumbled into the gravel.

"Ahhhh, of course." Zophar said, chuckling, as he made his way through the smashed-down wall. "Two Yuris. In league together against my prophet. How interesting. Of course, it makes sense. Yuri has a vendetta against me still, for completely flattening him. Hmmm." Zophar chuckled maliciously.

"...Okay. Edge? You have a point this time." Yuri said simply.

"I'd gloat, but I'm too busy spitting out gravel." Edge said in a muffled tone, as he slowly got up from the pile of rock. "And a tooth. Well, there's only one thing to do." Edge noted, as Zophar menacingly moved towards the trio.

"Run like hell?" Killer asked.

"Yup." Edge nodded.

"He learns fast." Yuri added, as he turned tail and ran.


"Killer?" Lady wondered, as she scanned the audience.

"Ahhhahahahahaha! You fool! Your little boyfriend won't save you." False Althena raved, as her monstrous form advanced on Lady.

"...Killer..." Lady said, preparing for battle.

She seemed...depressed.


"God damnit god damnit why can't we have a normal month where we're not being chased by a god for once?" Edge yelled, as he hurtled down the hallways of the League. "Or at least not freaking Waddle Dees? I'd have took that last month. But noooooooooo I had to get stuck up a tree for four days and my friend never even looked for me once and-OW!"

"Does he always whine this much?" Killer asked, as he whacked Edge upside the head, still running full tilt.

"No, sometimes he goes crazy with power too." Yuri noted.

"Wh-oh hell." Brey noted, as he watched the trio rocket past him in the hallways.

With the instinctive self-preservation instincts he'd picked up from living at the Duelling League, Brey quickly grabbed Lexis' arm and charged after Yuri, just in time to not get flattened by a Chaos Storm.

(Lexis noticed a few seconds later, but his self-preservation instincts have taught him to run when hauled, regardless of if he notices or not, so it still worked out.)

"Okay...why...are...you...being...we being...chased by a rampaging...what the hell are you doing here?" Brey panted, suddenly noticing Killer.

"Protecting Lady." Killer said tersely.

"Is THAT why we're running from an insane transvestite god...goddess...thing?" Edge yelled.

"..." Yuri regarded Killer a moment, as he ran. "Okay, I've got a plan."

"...You're not getting us involved in this just because you see a similarity between yourself and...god damnit, Yuri, can't you just be insane like me?" Edge yelled.

"He really does whine a lot, lately." Yuri noted. "Okay, everyone follow me."


Lady had stood her ground.

But she was...a little distracted.

And it was costing her. She'd done as much as she could, but in a match this close, hesitation or distraction was fatal.

Her Umbral's shield crumbling, she could only withstand the onslaught, and wait for the end.


"Okay, so, what's so special about this arena?" Edge asked, breathing heavily, as they charged into the empty ring.

"You don't even remember that? For crying out loud, we've retrofitted half the arenas and you don't even remember it?" Yuri asked, staring at Edge. "...Oh, that. You expect me to remember stuff from years ago?" Edge shrugged. "It's not like it's done a damned thing for us lately..."

"Here, just go up into the stands and read a swimsuit calendar." Yuri said. "C'mon, Lexis, can't you get rid of the stuff they sealed it with a little faster? I think Zophar's breaking down the walls we managed to get in it's way."

"Hmmm, yes, magical seal, electronics cut, cemented shut...hm. You know, I built a device that could overcome this level of sealant, but..." Lexis trailed off, sighing.

"But what? You don't have it?" Yuri asked anxiously.

"No, it's just this." Lexis answered, pulling out a massive, thirty-light switch, with two green lights flickering up and down it's surface.

"Didn't that thing drive Zidane insane to try to get working?" "Correct. That's sort of the problem. I never did bother to fix it, you said it was too dangerous to get working normally. Besides, the lights are hypnotic. It's like a lava lamp..." Lexis said, trailing off as he watched the red lights flicker. "...though I did make it better. I do like the thing. It's sort of the universal remote of perversion, now. Stone to mud, open up any door, mud raining from the sky... Also, I put female growth hormones in Brey's tea just to see what would happen, I spiked the punch in Zidane's last party with dry ice and they never seemed to figure out why the ice was burning them, I once shot down a dragon with the Creamonade because it startled me..."

"...why the hell does flickering lights have a truth serum effect on him?" Yuri asked, completely stunned as Lexis proceeded to rattle off a list of atrocities.

"You did what to my bed? Is that why I keep having nightmares about transgendered Zelos in a teddy!? And why I'm not sure he's transgendered in them!?" Edge said, as he heard Lexis' increasingly long list. "Oh, no, that shouldn't have that effect." Lexis replied absently.

"...erm...uh...uh...yeah...those...don't happen...of course..." Edge mumbled.

"...this has been entirely too much information." Killer noted. Give me that thing, Zophar's breaking down the doors.

With prompt timing, the doors smashed open, sailing majestically across the arena, as Zophar entered the ring.

"Ahhhh, nowhere to run now. Well, except the doors behind you, and the stands. Which are all wonderfully easy places to snipe you from, considering you're in the center of the ring. But I'd prefer to make your death as long as possible. Hehehe...hahahaha...HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Zophar laughed into the arena, as he slowly made his way towards Killer.

"...I swear, I'm a serial killer, and the people you've got here make me look like a nun." Killer said simply, as he yanked the controller out of Lexis' hands. "Come on! Come on, you rotten bastard! I'm over here! Can't your damned transgendered Sailor Stars reject ass move any faster than that!? Get your ass over here, before I knife your favorite picture of your boyfriend, Evil Gaia! Or maybe your little slutty friend Shana! Have you ever had them over at the same time, you lardass!?" Killer yelled.

"..." The rest of the group backed slowly away, as Zophar, enraged beyond sanity, rushed directly towards Killer.

"Hum. Push the button when the green lights are on the same row... Looks like it's only for about a thousandth of a second or something." Killer noted, glancing down at the controller. "Eh."

He shrugged, and, as Zophar towered over him, tapped the button lightly.

The hatch below his feet opened, sending them both Zophar and Killer plumetting down.

"...insane?" Edge asked curiously.

"...Maybe it was just Zidane." Yuri shrugged.

"...nun?" Brey asked.

Yuri shook his head and shrugged.


Killer, as he fell, laughed.

"You sorry excuse for a Rocky Horror Picture Show fan. You're too stupid to realize you can't use any of your good abilities this close!"

Before Zophar could reply, Killer, grabbing Zophar by the head, flipped himself onto Zophar's back.


Lady sighed.

Her Umbral had dissipated fully.

She only had one more shot.

One last chance...

She sighed.

"Killer...?" She ended on a questioning note, as an incredibly loud shriek filled the arena from above.

False Althena, preparing to deal the final blow, glanced up.

As her master, and a massive hail of knives, landed on her.

Killer, struggling to pull a knife free from Zophar that had been driven in past the hilt from the impact, finally gave up and lept lightly off the defeated combatants.

In the incredible silence that engulfed the arena, one happy cry could be heard.

"...Killer!" Lady yelled, as she rushed into Killer's arms.

Killer, barely able to stand from the impact and the various wounds Zophar had inflicted on him in the chase, wobbled on his feet, but managed to embrace Lady back, as the applause started.

"...eh...ehehe...um...we're...we're not stupid enough to call that illegal, when Killer just impaled Zophar... Right?" Kefka asked curiously, as the crowd began a standing ovation.

"...Hell no." Piastol answered simply, as she stood to applaud.

Lady: 30
False Althena: 19

Sir Leopold (DQ8) Sir Leopold vs Arc Eda Ricolne Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)

Dog bites man.

A cliche in journalism, one that shows the very base and common nature of a dog to be violent towards a human.

But Leopold was no ordinary dog.

Intelligent, powerful, capable of battling better than any human, he would never be reduced to something so ridiculously base as a battle tactic so undignified. He might rend his enemies to shreds, but not something as pathetic as simply chomping on them.

He was better than that.


Leopold stood at the arena entrance a moment.

He'd been a bit late. Forced to incinerate some PETA members that were campaigning for his staff to treat him better.

As he stood at the arena door, he realized it had been just as well.

As a sea of mud stretched out in the arena.

"Ooooh, he's so hot!" "C'mon, take a picture!" "Shake that thing, boy!"

Arc, covered in mud, struggled out of his armor-which was preventing him from moving-as the catcalls were heard from the crowd.

"..." Leopold stared at the arena a moment.

Then shrugged and flew the other way.

Some things aren't worth a championship to deal with. Mud wrestling Arc was one of them.


"..." Yuri stared blankly, as he watched Arc struggle out of his armor on the television, as announcers explained that a rain of mud had covered the arena several minutes ago. Sir Leopold hadn't been seen to make an appearance yet, and was considered a suspect in the vandalism.

"...Lexis. You didn't say the switch did all of those things at once, now." Yuri sighed.

"You didn't ask." Lexis shrugged.

Sir Leopold: 22
Arc Eda Ricolne: 23

Yuki (G3) Yuki vs Alice Elliot Alice Elliot (SH1)

"Hey, kid!" Yuki turned to see that Yuri Hyuga had swung by. "Hey, good job this season and all, good stuff. Real quick: you do anything to my girlfriend, and I'll do something to yours. Get my drift?"

Yuki wasn't entirely sure that he did, but it's understandable that he chose not to risk it.

Yuki: 22
Alice Elliot: 30

Fu So Ya (FF4) Fu So Ya vs Dinn Dinn (S5)

Really, it couldn't get much less fair than this. FuSoYa, a master of ancient lore and magics was to pit it out against Dinn, a master of swords.

Truly, swords are fear inspiring. Truly, swords are powerful. Indeed, a single blow with Dinn's massive sword would easily bring the old Wizard down to his knees, wouldn't it?

But the impressiveness of Dinn's sword failed to deliver when Dinn had shrunk to the size of a midget, incapable of holding his dear weapon, much less swing it.

FuSoYa, deciding to end the match in a spectacular light show, decided to torrent down Meteor on his already Mini'd foe.

When mini Dinn saw the large Meteor heading for him, he decided to just screw it all and forfeited the match.

... This, however, did not stop Meteor.

Fu So Ya: 40
Dinn: 18

Sailor Persephone strikes back!

Alkaiser, powered by the soul of a Phoenix, complete with the rebirth of Red's powers midfight.

How do you put out the burning power of a Phoenix? Damage? Rage? No. You dump water on it and put it out, rather than letting it go down in a blaze of glory, only to rise again shortly. While Sailor Persesphone normally specializes in fire damage, her teammate does not.

By the time Sailor Kyogre finished off Alkaiser, there wasn't much left of the once proud Red, proving that having teammates that can actually fight when you tap into your superhuman powers are -invaluable-.

Sailor Persephone: 29
Alkaiser: 17

"Argh, she's a tough one. But I can't give in! By the power of all that is good and awesome, I will defeat you vile one!"

"Foolish Human! In the name of...uhh...Filgaia, I will punish you! Fear my veruni power, for I am Sailor Persephone!"

The fight waged on for a while. No one really had any sort of upperhand. That is until Alkaiser thought of something. It was underhanded and cruel...but anything in the name of JUSTICE!

Grabbing a phone from his pocket "Yeah...Mystere, that you? Yes, things are difficult down here. Yes, she's annoying. No, I didn't get to the bank to pick up your paychecks. Whatever, regardless, Activate Cannon Mode C, Operation Delta. Yes, you heard me right, Cannon Mode C, Operation Delta. Don't make me repeat myself, just do it!"

Putting his phone away, grabbing his Ray Sword, Alkaiser looked at Persephone simply "This fight is going to end soon, and your vile Fanservice ways will be long since gone!"

Persephone laughed. What could he be thinking? He's already tried the Re-Al Phoenix on her several times, his ultimate attack and best finisher. There's no way he could simply end things that fast.

Moments later...

"cccchhhhhuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!" was heard, as Chu-chu, complete in her grown size, came falling directly on Persephone, Alkaiser avoiding the attack just barely, expecting the outcome. Persephone, before there, couldn't only stare in awe as she was right in the center of the attack.

"Even if I had to beat Sailor Persephone through less than honorable methods, its still a personal victory as I FINALLY found a use for Chu-chu and made good on it!" Alkaiser said as he left the unconcious Gear Sized Rodent ontop of the Veruni Sentinel.

The moral of this story? There's more to being an Ultimate Super Hero than a flashy outfit, and simply saving the world. No, a TRUE Super Hero is one who can join forces with others and fight together for the greater good, even if they were once his enemy! And who better to know this than the leader of the Super Equity Friends!!