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Cloud of Darkness vs Rosa Harvey Rydia vs Maya Amano Alen vs Eileen Snowe vs Sten
Ted vs Violetta Hallec vs Ashley Winchester Barret Wallace vs Elena Bartre vs Maria Balthasar
Sir Leopold vs Patriarch Sergius XVII Dycedarg Beoulve vs Seed Sania vs Ragnar Melody Vilente vs Connie
Albedo vs Sephiroth Gilder vs Claude Kenni Ronnie Bell vs Darksol Augst Henriksen vs Titania
Week 2 - Eliminations

Cloud of Darkness (FF3) Cloud of Darkness vs Rosa Harvey Rosa Harvey (FF4)

"So, Cecil, how you feeling after watching your wife take such a...ah...beating?" Tidus asked

"Well, knowing the outcome of the fight before it was going to happen made the blow that less painful, but..." Cecil hesitated to go on...

"Why didn't you tell her to just quit before entering? No shame in giving up a fight you know you can't win." Cloud responded

"Well, that's the thing. I DID try to talk her out of it! But, well...look, lets just say that no man, even if you're a king, has a chance to win an argument with his wife. I don't care how strong you are. Both of you should keep this in mind."

Cloud and Tidus were sort of just puzzled at Cecil's response.

Firion, meanwhile, simply said to himself "Its a good thing the only thing I'm in love with is my wild dreams of freedom and hope!"

Cloud of Darkness: 33
Rosa Harvey: 9

Ted (S4) Ted vs Violetta Violetta (G3)

All True Runes have a will.

A mind of their own, if you will.

All True Rune bearers try to forget this, to live their lives normally.

But sometimes?

Sometimes, it just bites them in the ass.


Violetta was confused.

Ted had frantically raised his hand to the sky, over and over.

But nothing had happened.

What could have gone wrong? Was he stupid enough to not rest before this battle, and run out of magic points?

Ted, later, would wonder the same thing.

The Soul Eater, however, would be content in it's victory.

It had refused to kill a hot woman with a big scythe.

That's all it really cared about.

What? You thought it was a deep, dramatic rune? Pfft, don't judge people because of their eating habits.

Ted: 14
Violetta: 20

Sir Leopold (DQ8) Sir Leopold vs Patriarch Sergius XVII Patriarch Sergius XVII (XS2)


What you expect from a bloodthirsty space pope and a Rhapthorne possessed dog of evil? A long, brutal fight? The power of Aura magic against Leopold razor sharp claws and teeth? Or perhaps something else?


"My son, you're willing to throw this fight for my.. services on this matter? No, no problem at all. Avoiding needless bloodshed is a good thing.. heh heh. Let us go."

Sir Leopold: 14
Patriarch Sergius XVII: 20

An old man, sitting down at the lake, with his beloved pet.

Everyone's seen this, or at least heard of it. Perhaps seen it in a movie or read of it. Regardless, it's not uncommon.

Of course, the dog drying up parts of the lake to eat the fish is a little weird.

As is the man blasting his own catches with holy energy to both catch, kill, and cook his own catches.

And the giant mecha blowing up the lake when they're both done for kicks is pretty odd too.

But ultimately, Sergius and Leopold parted pretty amiably. Leopold always wanted to have one of those classic, idyllic days by a pond-even as a normal dog, he'd been too scary for most-and now, he'd gotten one. It was worth giving up a match.

Albedo (XS) Albedo vs Sephiroth Sephiroth (FF7)


"...can someone answer me this simple question?" Arnaud thought sitting from the judges box

-What is it this time- Mewtwo responded.

"Well, Albedo knows he's no match for Sephiroth, and Sephiroth had an easy win and he knew it, right?"


"So why did he even bother challenging Albedo to a game of Super Smash Brothers Brawl?"

"Statistically speaking, it seems Sephiroth is just getting bored with constantly slaughtering unworthy competition in his eyes" responded Lucca, the 3rd judge "so he wanted to spice things up a bit. I guess even people like him need to have fun once in a while..."

"Ok, that makes sense...but here's my follow up: when did Sephiroth even get GOOD at fighting games? I mean, that's the 7th Falcon Punch he got on Albedo's Ice Climbers, and the match has only lasted a minute thus far!"

"Being in a fighting of his own has its perks, I suppose, isn't that right Mewtwo?" Lucca responded, winking at him.

Mewtwo just sort of looked at Lucca, and thought to himself about crushing her very mind for reminding him of Melee, the once instance where Pikachu can lord in dominance over him.

Albedo: 19
Sephiroth: 34

Lord Sephiroth has returned at long last. Glory is his name glory is his return.

As such Albedo as great of a villian as he is... plot wise... he does not match up against Lord Sephiroth.

Rydia (FF4) Rydia vs Maya Amano Maya Amano (Pers2)

"Pop star... Child Rydia?" Ulala asked quizzically, flinging the paper aside with a glance at Maya. "You have a weird way of winning matches."

"Eh, I figured I'd do something productive with my time and get a win out of the deal. Not like I stand much of a chance against Hallec or Ashley..." Maya smiled. "Besides, she's really got a dazzling voice."

"...you're just hoping whoever you're facing is too addicted to music to come to the match."

"Guilty as charged, but hey, let's think positive <3" Maya winked. Ulala rolled her eyes, before picking the paper back up and flicking to the classifieds. "Hey, a dating party for eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, Ma-ya! Let's go!"

"Ooh, really? Sounds like fun!"

Rydia: 5
Maya Amano: 26

DragonKnight Zero
Can't vote. However, Rydia keeping Maya in paralysis lock for the whole match is about as likely as Maria and Connie advancing to face each other this season.

Hallec (S3) Hallec vs Ashley Winchester Ashley Winchester (WA2)

Two men entered.

One man left.


"So, uh-"


"Ashley, about the mat-"


"Look, there are healers, they've probably seen wor-"

"Already went. Shut up." BLAM.


After all, there was no better way to make sure only one man left, Hallec mused, then via a swift axe chop...

Meanwhile, Sgt. Joe finds himself regretting Hallec's tendency to take everything literally after a computer class.

Hallec: 22
Ashley Winchester: 15

Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT) Dycedarg Beoulve vs Seed Seed (S2)

After a long, grueling fight, Seed managed to finish off Dycedarg.

Unfortunately, the status screen clearly stated that his task was to defeat Dycedarg's _Elder Brother_, so he ended up losing on a technicality.

Consequently, Dyce ended up moving on to the second round while Seed went off to set some FFT translators on fire. So they're both winners, in a sense.

Dycedarg Beoulve: 25
Seed: 22

Gilder (SoA) Gilder vs Claude Kenni Claude Kenni (SO2)

Outgunned: The story of Gilder's life. He has a pirate ship, not too bad. Vyse has an armada of badass pirate ships complete with his two slavishly devoted female crewmembers. He brings a powder gun? Claude brings a 27th century phase gun, complete with the mythos- Claude after all is the one who saves the Eternal Sphere from Indalecio's madness. Gilder may look good when he gets his one puny shot off, but the counterfire.. well, there's a reason why Gilder is a lover and not a fighter.

Gilder: 4
Claude Kenni: 28

Alen (S1) Alen vs Eileen Eileen (S1)


The fight seemed normal enough at first.

It took a slight turn for the bizarre when, right after Eileen and Alen threw their best magics at each other, the entire battlefield was instantly terraformed into random geography.

What made the situation even stranger were the tanks that the two started piloting at the same time.

Unfortunately for Alen, Copper Flesh still applied to the tank, and so napalm and crazy nuke spam destroyed him instantly.

Alen: 6
Eileen: 39

Barret Wallace (FF7) Barret Wallace vs Elena Elena (FF7)

DragonKnight Zero
The match was held as a bull riding contest. Elena, being lighter, was predictably thrown off faster. Surely the match was rigged. But by whom?

Reno and Rude offered no comment. Laughing too hard.

Barret Wallace: 41
Elena: 22

Sania (AtLC) Sania vs Ragnar Ragnar (DW4)

Joou Ranbu

The gleaming pink armor.

The graceful legwork.

The lithe, manly precision dancing.

Yes, Ragnar McRyan truly was a god. On that Dance Dance Revolution machine, he truly showed his unparalled elegance and power, truly befitting a god. Yes, Ragnar was a god of DDR.

Too bad the match was just a typical slugfest instead of an inane alternate contest this week. As such, Sania simply blasted Ragnar off the arena with a single Petro Wind after his performance. She admits that she wouldn't ever be able to pull that kind of flexibility off, though. Hats off to Ragnar McRyan, our dancing hero!

Sania: 23
Ragnar: 4

Ronnie Bell (S1) Ronnie Bell vs Darksol Darksol (SF1)



...No longer dark...


Sadly for Sol, using his instant death attack was considered just too wierd to really count as a win.

Ronnie Bell: 15
Darksol: 14

Snowe (S4) Snowe vs Sten Sten (BoF2)

Clear Tranquil
Life is a hot spot of mistakes with the purpose being to learn from them. A path lined with roses with hurtful thorns that rend and tear but next time you’ll know better, be better prepared to avoid those thorns. If you can heal from those tears, learn from those mistakes then maybe just maybe you’ll reach the beauty at the end of the path, find the person you always really wanted to be, remember what was special to you, who you are at heart. Despite all his trials and tribulations Snowe is a knight at heart. Knight - A defender, champion, or zealous upholder of a cause or principle. This season Snowe made it his duty to champion for the DL defending it and it’s citizens from their intelligence being rent asunder and them being rendered brain dead by a stupid monkey. Sten himself might not be evil by nature but stupidity isn’t exactly a cause or principle that should be upheld and encouraged either. Defending such a thing from going any further in the arena this season is a much more worthy one. Afterall stupidity can be contagious and Sten spreading his stupidity throughout the DL? No we can’t have that. Nobody's saying Snowe is the poster child for intelligence either but here we have the lesser of two evils and at least Snowe's trying to make admends for his sins. Sten just wants to run riot. Snowe "Smite!"

Snowe: 26
Sten: 11

Bartre (FE7) Bartre vs Maria Balthasar Maria Balthasar (XG)

"Uuurrrrggghh! My head hurts!" Bartre was pacing like mad in front of the judges table, while Ryu(the fifth) shrugged at his dilemma.

"Look man, I understand where you're coming from here. But it's really simple, you have to either fight her, or forfeit. I'm sorry, but that's how it works."

"But I can't just beat up a little girl! That's not something a real man could ever do!"

"Then give up."

"But I can't do that EITHER!!!!"

Maria watched as Bartre and Ryu went through this argument yet again, knowing full well that eventually the warrior's pride would win over his soft heart and he'd regretfully beat the stuffing out of her. As against this idea as Bartre was, Maria was even less enthused by it, and tried to think of some way around the dense, but strong, axeman.

Then an idea came to her. It was banking on Bartre's stupidity, but from everything she knew of the man, that was a pretty safe thing to bet on.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Bartre? I have an idea, if you don't want to fight me..."

Ryu narrowed his eyes, not believing Maria's innocent girl act for a second, but Bartre seemed to fall for it hook, line and sucker, "You do? Really? Hey, that's great. I've been hurting my head trying to think of something over here. So what have you got?"

"Well..." Maria put on her best innocent smile as she made her suggestion, "you could always fight my robot instead?"

Mere moments earlier, Ryu had thought no one could possibly be that stupid. But right now, he wasn't so sure. And seeing Bartre's face light up as if that was the answer to all his problems only served to confirm the sinking suspicion he was beginning to have that there is ALWAYS someone that stupid.

Bartre grinned widely, "Hey, that's a great idea! If I beat your robot, I win, and if your robot wins, you do! Well what are you waiting for, get that thing in here and lets get started!"

Maria bit back an urge to giggle madly as she used her remote to summon Seibzehn to her side...

- - -

Ryu the fifth could not believe what he was seeing. And from the dead silence in the arena, it seemed neither could anyone else. Maria just sank to the ground, completely numb with shock. Moments later, the silence was broken by a very loud explosion and the hearty laughter of a single man.

Bartre, barely injured, walked over to a large part of what used to be Seibzehn to pry his hammer out of the wreckage it got stuck in. Then whistling a jaunty tune, he collected his win and wandered on out of the arena in search of a good meal and a stiff drink.

It was Ryu who finally broke the silence held by everyone who wasn't Bartre, "Okay, I know I'm supposed to be the judge here, but can someone please tell me what the HELL just happened here?"

Not a soul had an answer for him.

Bartre: 30
Maria Balthasar: 13

Melody Vilente (WA3) Melody Vilente vs Connie Connie (S3)

"Ah, so that white haired lass is the one you're interested in."

The 'lass' was Connie of Suikoden fame, who was trying and failing mightly at her attempts to damage Melody. The fight was already over, but that hadn't stopped Melody from cruelly tossing an elixir on Connie and making her suffer some more. Leopold's growl made everyone need him shy away. He was not pleased with what he was seeing.

"There are far more effective ways to deal with heretics than mere executions. You go tend to the lass, while I speak to the crowd and arrange a fitting punishment."



"Tuxedo Zidane is here to save the day!"

".....My son Leopold, if you could?"


"He doesn't listen to the words of a sinner, Zidane. Oh yes. MY CHILDREN, GO FORTH AND SMITE THE SINNER MELODY!"

Sergius had meant 'his children' quite literally. An army of pissed off children had come to the arena to watch the fight, only to see Melody bully poor Connie. Relm, Porom, and a dozen others charged Melody and beat her as only pissed off women can do to another woman. (They were safe to do so, with Albedo being slaughtered by Sephiroth at that moment.)


The former prophet turned demon woke up, in a full body cast. A small shack surrounded her bed; a window showed her the view of the DL hospital/clinic. She knew where she was. Melody had been put in the Dog House in the most literal sense of the word. Her recovery room was the one where the puniest of puny and wild animals recovered at. A small bell lay on an otherwise table. Melody rang it, hoping it would bring a nurse. It did.

Alonso burst through the door, resplendant in a nurse's outfit. "Ahhh, Miss Melody! It's time to change your dressing! Try to be strong- we had to put extra effort into the work so there would be no scarring, so we used glue instead of staples. It's going to hurt a little when I remove the bandages!"

The screaming started well before Alonso peeled off the first layer of gauze.

Melody Vilente: 36
Connie: 6

Augst Henriksen (WA4) Augst Henriksen vs Titania Titania (FE9)

Chisa Mikami
Augst's strategy would work were it not for one simple fact.
You need durability to be able to counter.
Augst gets one-shot ingame by Jude, and you don't even need to go out of your way to do so.
Needless to say, he exploded the second Titania planted her axe in his face.

Augst Henriksen: 5
Titania: 31