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Violetta vs Guv Peppita Rosetti vs Jowy Atreides Gerik vs Carol Anderson Milich Oppenheimer vs Priscilla
Celes Chere vs Profound Darkness Neclord vs Odin Arche Klein vs Philia Felice Saleh vs Meg
Week 4 - Quarterfinals

Violetta (G3) Violetta vs Guv Guv (DQ8)

Between a man with an army of monsters at his beck and call, and a lady armed with but speed and scythe, who would win?

Well, if you call that lady an old batty spinster, it's sure to be a quick match. And, oddly enough, someone who sounded, looked and seemed a lot to be Guv managed to yell just that.

And oh, how Violetta slaughtered. And oh, how bloody a spectacle it turned out to be. The monsters came on wave by wave, yet Violetta drove them all back, and with a magnificent display sprayed the arena in Guv's blood.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, after all. There was no question over who won.

The real question is, was it really Guv who had said that?

Violetta: 18
Guv: 11

Celes Chere (FF6) Celes Chere vs Profound Darkness Profound Darkness (PS4)

"I told you Runic'd be useless."


"But nooo, who didn't listen? You didn't listen!"


"You're always so stubborn. Should've listened to me from the start!"

Celes lost the match against Profound Darkness. It was a pretty clear cut victory for the latter, too - the mage knight surroundered halfway the fight when she realised she just couldn't harm Profound Darkness well-enough.

Well, at least she could harm Sabin well enough, so Celes'll be okay.

Celes Chere: 9
Profound Darkness: 26

Peppita Rosetti (SO3) Peppita Rosetti vs Jowy Atreides Jowy Atreides (S2)

"I am the bone of my sword.
A True Rune is my body, darkness is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unaware of defences.
Nor aware of holding back.
Withstood the True Shield Rune to avoid be absorbed into it many times.
Waiting to absorb it instead.
I have no regrets, this was the only way.
So as I pray, 'Unlimited. Blade. Works!!'"


"That's the dumbest incantation ever," Jowy grumbled.

Jeane looked amused. "Well, it worked, didn't it?"

Peppita Rosetti: 9
Jowy Atreides: 22

Neclord (Suikos) Neclord vs Odin Odin (VP2)

An ancient vampire begifted with eternal life.

A half-elf gone God, begifted with eternal life.

Only one of these may emerge victorious. And both appear to be pretty much impossible to kill barring some pretty unique circumstances.

Obviously, a regular fight was out of the question. And Odin's suggestion to have a contest cleaning windows was interrupted by a certain Ice Fairy, chanting, "Eye'm the strongest cleaner!" over and over until Odin chased her out.

No, there was only one way to settle this match in a clean and proper way.

Who. Looks. Best... IN DRAG?!

The public was rallied to vote on their favourite crossdresser... and, well, the results pretty much speak for themselves! Sometimes winning comes with a loss.

But who needs dignity when you're a finalist?

Neclord: 14
Odin: 16

Gerik (FE8) Gerik vs Carol Anderson Carol Anderson (WA5)

A grown and hardened mercenary versus a little girl with a backpack.

Granted, a backpack mixed with a rocket launcher, but can't anyone else see the logic in how terrible twisted it is?

This is a matter of life and death, people, life and death! Are we condoning child abuse here? Are we actually voting on and cheering for a grown man beating a little girl with a sword or axe, people?

And while Carol tried to convince the Professor Elvis it totally wasn't a problem and she'd be completely alright, she never made it on time to still qualify for the match.

Gerik: 16
Carol Anderson: 11

Arche Klein (ToP) Arche Klein vs Philia Felice Philia Felice (ToD)

In a tremendous display of magical onslaught, Arche proved once and for all that not only does she... perform certain duties like a tiger, she also bears down on her opponents with such onslaught that she may now be respected for much more.

The staggering display of arcane might left the entire crowd speechless. It left Philia even more speechless.

Probably because none of the spells actually -hit- Philia. But hey, the display was impressive enough to make Philia want to give up immediately.

Meanwhile Arche collected the money from Setzer. 'You'll never win without hitting her'? The world's greatest gambler seems to have lost his touch!

Arche Klein: 16
Philia Felice: 7

Milich Oppenheimer (S1) Milich Oppenheimer vs Priscilla Priscilla (FE7)

A fight between nobles! This can end only in a showoff of extravagant outfits and fabulous talks over an elegant cup of tea drank with the pinky extended.

Since no one really wants to see that, the judges decided to flip a coin and just awarded Priscilla the win.

Milich Oppenheimer: 12
Priscilla: 22

Saleh (FE8) Saleh vs Meg Meg (Suikos)

"So, under Silent Lake, I can't cast magic," queried Saleh.

Meg simply nodded.

"... Why can't I just punch you and be on my way, again?"

Meg shrugged. "Beats me. Fire Emblem Mages never do this entire 'hit with fists' thing, ya know?"

Saleh threw up his hands. "What is this nonsense!"

Mumbling to himself about 'infernal mechanics' and 'blasted Silent Lakes', Saleh left the arena.

Saleh: 12
Meg: 22

Saleh was ready. He heard that Meg was a slow, fat sword user. He got out his trusty magic to find out it didnt work! That was the last time he would trust information found in a barrel! Meg won the match easily, smirking as Gagdet followed her. She would have to thank Ike for the info later.