Xorn: 15 DragonKnight Zero "I have assets you'll never possess. I win." Xenobia boasted to her opponent. Not at all fazed, Rosa replied back quietly, "I have something very nice that you don't." Pictures of Cecil and Rosa sharing a quiet moment. Cecil and Rosa cuddling. Cecil and Rosa enjoying a meal. Cecil adoring Rosa far more than Ghaleon would ever show affection to Xenobia. Rosa certainly knows which buttons to push. Xenobia was infuriated. An infuriated Xenobia does things like gathering an army of thugs to deliver a bloody vengeance. An infuriated Xenobia is also a distracted Xenobia. This was too good of an opportunity for Edge to pass up. He tagged her with a magic spell that polymorphed her into a hamster. A hamster that Jogurt finds attractive. Hilarity ensues. Rosa Harvey: 20 Chris Lightfellow: 23 Zio: 15 Surt: 13 Alfina de Pamela: 13 Zalbard: 16 Ershin: 23 Albel Nox: 19 Gallows Caradine: 16 Gen: 9 Paula: 4 DragonKnight Zero "Glory to the Norgard Defense Force. We shall crush all foolish enough to stand against us..." WHUMP! Replacement narrator: We're experiencing technical difficulties. The narrator fell asleep during Vaynard's endless self-praise. Don't worry. Our technicians are here to resolves the issue. (camera pans to a mob of hundreds, many of which are wielding implements of violence) Okay team, lets clear up this technical difficulty. Gares: 21 Kirkis: 9 Maria Balthasar: 7 DragonKnight Zero It's Alonso. The universe will find some way of delivering humiliation. It didn't even have to try that hard. All it took was spreading rumors that Alonso enjoyed bullying dogs for sport. The outcome was predictable. Connie: 5 |