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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Fou-Lu vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Keith Valentine vs Brad Evans Jerin vs Caina Cecile vs Skelly
Zog vs Sofia Isaac vs Albert Serdio Rhys vs Lufia Luccia vs Yumei
Riou vs Luca Blight Sierra Mikain vs Auron Long Chan Chan vs Mara Olan Durai vs Big Joe
Ryu vs Sephiroth Zalbard vs Id Seifer Almasy vs Gordon Palom vs Jacques
Week 1 - Eliminations

Fou-Lu (BoF4) Fou-Lu vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHs)

Hunter Sopko
Fou-Lu had always been jealous that Yuri had taken the last trenchcoat at the RamusCo "Great Clothes Blowout!" a few months ago, and finally, he gets his revenge.

Unfortunately, he looks terrible in the new coat.

Fou-Lu: 25
Yuri Volte Hyuga: 9

Zog (BoF1) Zog vs Sofia Sofia (DW4)

Zog started the fight with his usual ranting about his power, then transformed into his gigantic oversized Dragon form.

The crowd went wild, thinking it was unfair to pit such a young girl against a giant beast.

Sofia smiled and held up her Zenithian Sword. A big flash of light appeared, and suddenly, what was once a huge unexplicably large Purple Dragon... was now just some guy in Armor.

Zog wondered what happened, and transformed again. Sofia responded in the same way.

This went on for a few hours til Zog got angry, and quit the match out of frustration.

Zog: 9
Sofia: 20

Riou (S2) Riou vs Luca Blight Luca Blight (S2)

Luca Blight. The very name brings fear to the hearts of most people. Some didn't think he could possibly beat the young Riou, as he lost once, long ago. Luca's durability was put to the test against Riou and seventeen others back then, and now it was just Riou.

History doesn't always repeat itself.

Riou: 17
Luca Blight: 31

Ryu (BoF3) Ryu vs Sephiroth Sephiroth (FF7)

Kaiser is a creature of immense power, speed, and durability.

It's also a creature of light. What do you think Shadow Flare will do to him?

Ryu: 21
Sephiroth: 28

Sephiroth casts wall, because that's what he does on his first turn. Ryu goes into True Kaiser. Ryu uses Bonebreak. Seph may survive, but he won't wear down Kaiser's HP or outlast Ryu's AP before getting finished off by breath attacks.

Keith Valentine (SH1) Keith Valentine vs Brad Evans Brad Evans (WA2)

Brad's entrance to the ring was led by cheers and adoration of the crowd. On the other hand, Keith's entrance was met with a chilly silence that was only broken by his soft footsteps.

"Hmmph. You know that heroes never fail to kill vamprires. Prepare to meet your end, monster." Brad lunged in, and hit Keith with a staggering blow. His mighty punch even drew a trickle of blood from his pale foe's mouth.

"Brute force. Tisk, tisk. I'll show you how it's done." Keith drew his sword, and tapped Brad lightly on the shoulder. Much to the shock of the crowd, the hero of Slayheim crumpled to the ground from Keith's attack.

"Try actually preparing for a fight, Hero." Keith walked out of the arena, leaving Brad as an example that not all stereotypes hold true.

Keith Valentine: 24
Brad Evans: 10

Isaac (GS) Isaac vs Albert Serdio Albert Serdio (LoD)

Hmmm.... Earth fighter with strong magic and healing. Pretty good. What makes it killer is the rare times when Isaac gets a foe weak to his elements. Albert's fairly slow, weak to earth, and can't heal.

Looks like Serdio's king is gonna be fodder.

Isaac: 19
Albert Serdio: 9

Sierra Mikain (S2) Sierra Mikain vs Auron Auron (FFX)

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
This all depends all on how Auron performs in his first attack. Does he Magic Break Sierra, causing her untold grief and punishment, or does he miss it and get laughed at as his sluggish agility costs him a large amount of turns and probably a victory?

*Rolls 1d12 with a 33% chance of him hitting*

..... >_> Lucky bastard...

Sierra Mikain: 15
Auron: 35

Zalbard (SF2) Zalbard vs Id Id (XG)

The Greater Demons held a pre-match meeting.

"Heh. I can't believe a weakling like you could have possibly won a match," said Geshp.

"I can't believe that you lost to Serge," retorted Zalbard.

"That's enough, both of you. Now, we're all proud that you made it up to Heavy, Zalbard, but you can't afford to get cocky," said Cameela.

"I'd have to agree. Id is stronger than anything you saw in Middle. This match won't be easy for you," said Odd Eye.

"Don't worry. I'll do my best," Zalbard said, and then left through the door.

The other Greater Demons waited for a minute, then resumed their discussion.

"So he's screwed, right?" asked Cameela.

"Of course. Even I can see that."

Geshp paused for a minute, then began to laugh. "I get it! It's funny because you're blind!"

"Can I hit him?"

"Be my guest, Cameela."


_ _ _

The match was quick and bloody. Zalbard and Id wasted no time in pressing their attack, rushing forward just as soon as they entered the arena grounds. While Zalbard struck first, it was Id who drew first blood, crippling Zalbard's left arm with a lucky blow. Snarling from the pain, Zalbard grabbed Id and slammed him to the ground.

The next thing Zalbard knew, he had been thrust in the air by Id's legs. Quickly, he was flexing his arcane muscle for a powerful Bolt spell, but he never got the chance to use it. Id had jumped up after his prey, grabbed Zalbard, and had thrown him out of the arena.

However, there was some consolation for Zalbard. In a show of respect for a fight well-fought, Id bowed before he laughed his way out of the arena.

Zalbard: 9
Id: 21

Jerin (Lufia1) Jerin vs Caina Caina (WA2)

Caina has never been very secure in terms of gender. In Japan, she's a he, in the US, he's a she...

That should seriously disturb his/her opponent, right?

Well, no. See, Jerin, though female, is still an elf, and as we know, it was THEIR race that perfected the idea of "insecure sexuality." This means that Jerin has an automatic immunity to Caina's...syndrome, and thus wins the match with incredible ease.

Jerin: 19
Caina: 7

Rhys (PS3) Rhys vs Lufia Lufia (Lufia1)

There is one easy reason why Lufia beats Rhys:

Any man in full armor makes wonderful bait for a Thunder spell or two. C'mon, he'll be sizzled between two hot plates once the joltage starts flowing.

Rhys: 12
Lufia: 14

Many status options and strong attack magic > decent pure fighter.

Long Chan Chan (S2) Long Chan Chan vs Mara Mara (DW4)

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Normally, a High HP character like Long Chan Chan would stick out like a sore thumb in the Suikoden 2 cast. He easily dwarfs everyone in the cast with his considerable girth and decent attack, with an HP score that puts him toward the high end of the entire scale. Surely he would have no trouble with a fragile mage girl?

Of course then, that would be before Blazemost comes into play and fricases his Martial Art behind to Kingdom Come. High HP means little if you don't have the defense to back it up. And with that, Mara grinds him into ashes.

Long Chan Chan: 9
Mara: 23

Seifer Almasy (FF8) Seifer Almasy vs Gordon Gordon (Disgaea)

I'm sorry Gordon, even with your ranged attacks, Seifer is just too strong for you. No Mercy will plow through the Defender of Earth with ease, if Seifer is foolish enough to get knocked down that low. Haste will increase the already high damage Seifer can do. I sense a sound beating for Gordon.

Seifer Almasy: 24
Gordon: 16

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
A truly disheartening dilemma.

Here I am forced to choose between the ever vigilant blade of the Sorceress' Knight, Seifer Almasy, or to vote for the Defender of Earth and Slayer of the Netherworld, Captain Gordon. How could anyone choose between these two most worthy of warriors?


Okay, I'm over it. *Pushes the Vote Button for Gordon*


Cecile (S3) Cecile vs Skelly Skelly (CC)

Skelly made one very fatal move on the day he was to challenge Cecille. He showed up and scared the bejesus out of her. Cecille hates clowns, especially skeletal ones. It was a very horrifying scene to watch Cecille beat the bones right off of Skelly before he had a chance to do anything.

Cecile: 36
Skelly: 2

Luccia (CC) Luccia vs Yumei Yumei (VP1)

Yumei went into the arena, full of confidence - after all, characters from Chrono Cross were famed for their inability to fight, so she should have no trouble at all taking down one of its less-than-well-known crew, right?

Unfortunately, a pair of flasks and a shower of needles proved her quite wrong, and Luccia chuckled as she walked out of the ring. She'd always wanted to do demi-human experimentation...

Luccia: 23
Yumei: 16

Olan Durai (FFT) Olan Durai vs Big Joe Big Joe (XG)

Big Joe strode into the arena, a cocky grin on his face. He flexed his mighty-esque muscles, and sneered at his opponent, Olan Durai. The audience, of course, was roaring for their favored champion.

Olan looked somewhat skeptical at the whole display. "You know," he said. "I've seen you fight before. I think... that without your mountains of fans... I can actually take you on with this book." He hefted it for good measure.

Joe laughed. "You act like it's cheating to use the audience! I say, if the fans want a winner bad enough, then any contribution they supply to the fight... from their seats, of course... is fair game. That's how the Romans played it, baby." He paused. "Besides.... there's no way you could beat me. My millions of fans, or no." And oh, how the audience cheered at that. The applause was as deafening as it was short lived, for within a few seconds, the entirety of the RPGDL bleachers were frozen in place, to a man.

Olan admired his own handywork. "Wanna prove it," he said, extending an eyebrow to the flashier fighter.

Big Joe hasn't been heard from since.

Olan Durai: 48
Big Joe: 5

Palom (FF4) Palom vs Jacques Jacques (S3)

Palom makes Lezard look like a durability god. I don't buy him surviving the stress motion puts on his body, much less one of Jacques' attack sequences.

Palom: 18
Jacques: 28

Geodude vs Paper Mario vs Edward Scissorhands

~metroid composite

While my explanation on why Scissors should beat Rock and Paper may seem like they fly in the face of logic, it's perfectly reasonable.

Paper Mario is made of paper and easily shredded, and despite evidence to the contrary Rock easily takes care of paper. So, Paper Mario either ends up in several pieces or underneath a very heavy paperweight and suffocating. He's out, obviously.

Now, one would think that Edward Scissorhands would have a hard time breaking Geodude's rocky exterior. However, this is Geodude we're talking about, not even a evolution, and is cleary seen in the TV show to be easily fried by a Pikachu, who is electric and at a strong disadvantage. Do you really think that a man who has had expert use of his scissors for several years and was accurate enough to cut hair with masterful percision(despite the clunkiness of having sissors for fingers) would be unable to find a weak spot(IE those giant anime-style eyes), or manage to parry Geodude until he's tired and finish him off?

I think not.

Geodude: 16
Edward Scissorhands: 26
Paper Mario: 8

Geodude is clearly the least cool of the three. Johnny Depp and Shigeru Miyamoto are both totally rad, but scissors does in fact beat paper.

Edward Sciscor Hands wins quite handilly. He can command legions of Johnny Depp's rightfully earned fangirls to handle Geodude while he flips out Voldo style on Paper Mario while having it filmed the whole time. The tapes will make him millions on the side in the S&M and Hentai markets thanks to the Voldoesc action and the Geodude x Fangirl orgy.

The Great Chip Robbery

Lucca, Robo, Momo, and Rikku vs Berle, Shigeo, and Jibril
~Tonfa Baton

Lucca wins, you cannot beat time travel. Ever. Not to mention that if it comes down to it, Momo has nuclear weaponry at her disposal, you just don't mess with her.

Meta Guardians: 10
Thieves: 21
Explosive machinery: 15