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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Choko vs Rika Baal vs Rune Walsh Balk Fenzol vs Nino Mallow vs Chu-Chu
Cyril vs Mewtwo Lede vs Meliadoul Tingel Oulan vs Heath Bazba vs Raja
Geshp vs Yuna Edgar Roni Figaro vs Gilder Vormav Tingel vs Viper Thomas vs May
Loki vs Freya Wakka vs Rubicant Ziggy vs Lyn Nara vs Watari
Week 2 - Eliminations

Choko (AtLC) Choko vs Rika Rika (PS4)

Although I can't legitamately vote (*shakes fist*), the result of Choko vs Rika is easy to see. NOTHING is cuter than a Cat-Girl. Therefore, NOTHING is cuter than Rika. Choko should damn well quit in shame.

Choko: 17
Rika: 21

Cyril (SO2) Cyril vs Mewtwo Mewtwo (PKMN)

When you think about it, there's a large amount of similarities between Mewtwo and Cyril.

Both are insane genetically bioengineered freaks. Cyril's more insane, Mewtwo looks the part more.

Both rely largely on their magical abilities.

Both rely on abilities that are, very loosely, magical to start with. (Mewtwo breaks people's minds, Cyril just forms a large tornado out of nowhere.)

However, there are two problems here, both Cyril's. The first is that, very simply, Cyril got beat up by a bunch of teenagers while Mewtwo is known to level dragons and animals that warp nature around them by existing.

The second is that Cyril is substantially more insane than Mewtwo to start with. How do you think he's going to handle his mind being broken more?

The last anyone's seen of Cyril, he was getting beaten to a pulp by Fou-Lu, Orlandu, and Zophar for walking out onto the arena between matches, stark naked, and singing Toxic...

Cyril: 12
Mewtwo: 39

Mewtwo uses barrier a ton so his foe can't even scratch him then uses amnesia several times and one psybeam later he wins.

Geshp (SF2) Geshp vs Yuna Yuna (FFX)

The cliche thing to say here would be that Geshp would be better off not showing up.

However, Geshp, being an evil demon, had a better plan. Namely, buying up large amounts of injury insurance before the match, and hiring Cristo and a couple of Ninas to heal him up afterwards.

Sure, Geshp had to live through a few moments of pain as Bahamut crushed him. However, he's far, far richer for it...

Geshp: 9
Yuna: 42

Loki (VP1) Loki vs Freya Freya (VPs)

"Odin died Protecting Freya..." is one of Loki's many lines...

...wait, Odin isn't here to protect Freya this time? ...ow...

Loki: 27
Freya: 23

metroid composite
"Freya, Odin died protecting you. You can not possibly expect to win," Loki sneered.

"Correction," Freya smiled, "Odin told me to stand down. Now there is no one to hold me back, you backstabbing maggot."

"Yes, that's good Freya! Dwell in your anger! Express grief over Odin and you will only guarantee your own death!"

"That's it you spineless worm, prepare to be cleansed! Divine assault..."

Lezard smiled from the audience, adjusted his glasses, then shielded his eyes from the light. "Ah my dearest Loki; your last encounter with a goddess taught me everything...but it would appear that it has taught you nothing. What a pity."

Loki vs Freya. Now, logicly, the end boss will totally slaughter one of the playable characters.

However, the exception is when the boss is a weakling and the PC can do 1.5+ million damage >_<

Baal (G1) Baal vs Rune Walsh Rune Walsh (PS4)

"Ah... heavy. Where greatness is afoot. I have truly come home, to the division where I belong. Only one thing remains.." Rune turned, and walked face first into Justin. The force of the impact knocked both the mage and the hero down to the ground.

"Ow!" Justin rubbed his head, and then glared at Rune. "Watch where you're going. I have to go visit my friend. The upcoming match is against you." At the news of this, Rune turned pale white. Justin jumped up, and walked by. "Oh well. Enjoy your match, Rune!"

The Esper pulled himself off the floor, shaken to the core. Although both his magic and his faith in his own abilities were matchless.. he knew he was no match for Feena, and Rapp and Liete weren't much better...

-Arena, before the fight-

Rune stood at the edge of the ring. No pre match autograph signings, no waving to the fans. He knew he was coming into a losing battle, and was well prepared to go down with as much power and honor as he knew. Taking a deep breath, Rune walked into the ring to get a good look at his foe..

..Much to his surprise, a middle aged man stood in the ring, and not one of Justin's cast mates. "...Yes, I am Baal, ruler of the world. My powers are unlimited, and my immunity to Rune's status makes this an easy win!"

It hit Rune. He wasn't fighting a PC.. but a boss. A Grandia boss. One that was crushed by a bunch of fools.

The crowd wondered why Rune had forsaken his usual strategy and thought and merely charged in, body ablaze with magical energy. However, everyone knew why he was laughing..

Baal: 18
Rune Walsh: 26

Rune does have quite a few negatives. Low defense, low HP, and complete reliance on magic. However, he is an excellent spellcaster and has a trump card going for him: his opponent is a Grandia boss.

Lede (FFT) Lede vs Meliadoul Tingel Meliadoul Tingel (FFT)

Dark Lord Magus
Meliadoul may have a neato hood, but she doesn't have sex-appeal to call upon a horde of rabid fanboys to crush her opponent, game set match Lede.

Lede: 34
Meliadoul Tingel: 32

Starphoenix das Helpoemer

Hear that? That's the sound of all exposed armor being discarded to the wayside.


Hear that? That's the swift sound of Meliadoul's blade going upside yonder Assassin's head.


Hear that? That's Lede's body dropping like a dead door nail on the floor.

Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) Edgar Roni Figaro vs Gilder Gilder (SoA)

For all the praise tricks such as Fate Storm, Havok Wing, Neutron Ring, Earthquake, and even the dreaded Overdrive + Stasis Rune loop get, none of them are without some kind of flaw; there are very few things in existance that can truly be called a guaranteed win.

...Not being Gilder is one of them.

Edgar Roni Figaro: 39
Gilder: 9

Edgar was hyped up for his match. He had a strategy that he was sure would work. As soon as the match began, he used his Air Anchor gadget on Glider.

Glider shrugged and shot him in the face.

Then he exploded and Edgar won.

The moral of this story: Fancy guns and flash poses are one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an exploding anchor to the face.

Wakka (FFX) Wakka vs Rubicant Rubicant (FF4)

Sage Acrin
The aftermath of this match was horrific.

Water everywhere. Rubicant smashed into a wall, unconcious, and a smiling Wakka posing for the crowd.

Unfortunatly for Wakka, it was later deemed an illegal interference to have machina secretly set up to form a huge sphere of water over the duelling league arena, and have the force fields holding it up released just as both duellers entered the field.

But Wakka, with a little help from his friends, Rikku and Cid, at least managed to keep from being charred.

As for Rubicant, he's still wondering who stole his cloak before the match...

Wakka: 14
Rubicant: 49

Dark Lord Magus
Rubicant has the firey rage of hell itself, burning with eternal flames. Wakka has...a deadly beachball. TKO by incernation...I mean c'mon, you can't tell me that with THAT much hair gel that Wakka wouldn't be extremely flammable.

Balk Fenzol (FFT) Balk Fenzol vs Nino Nino (FE7)

While normally, little spunky girls who are upcoming mages with potential would beat the crap out of big ugly gun wielding geniuses like Balk, the two had again, forgot it was Chocobo Mating season...

However, both were too wrapped up in the fight to realize the horde of stampeding Chocobos (Chasing Viper at that), which all had ran right through and trampled Balk to death...

Nino stood there puzzled...did she just win? One would think yes, but it appears an arbitrary chocobo stampede is considered interference, so Balk moved onto the next round.

Balk Fenzol: 26
Nino: 24

Hmm...a sniper vs Nino. It's true that Nino doesn't have any healing and Balk has alot more range...however, once you take away the physical force of the gun, the only thing that remains is the magic attack that comes with it, and that will barely faze Nino.

Nino's spells are painful. Extremely painful.

Oulan (S2) Oulan vs Heath Heath (FE7)

Sage Acrin
The problem with Oulan is that she's...a tad bit obsessive.

You see, she has this thing about being nice to wimpy guys surrounded by girls.

Therefore, when Heath showed up before the match with Florina, Fiora and Farina, she just couldn't bring herself to fight him...

Oulan: 13
Heath: 27

Vormav Tingel (FFT) Vormav Tingel vs Viper Viper (CC)

Sage Acrin
One would figure this to be a bland match between two characterless tanks.

However, as it turns out, the match had the unfortunate rare mishap of being during Chocobo mating season.

No one was really quite sure what to do when Viper was chased out of the arena by a flock of horny Chocobo...or why he was being chased. However, it was declared a ring out, and Vormav won the match.

Meanwhile, Celia leaned back and smiled. For once, being able to Allure monsters to do her bidding had paid off. Especially considering that Vormav now owes her...

Vormav Tingel: 29
Viper: 26

Ziggy (XS) Ziggy vs Lyn Lyn (FE7)

Ziggy has a pretty good battle philosophy in "The first rule of survival is to only think about one's self." The rather bland Lyn has absolutely nothing on that ordinarily. Fortunately for her, her tactics in this battle following her nasty first attack will echo a much greater warrior's perception: "Endure a blow and administer two; that's the secret of battle." In the end, patronizing Nate-speak will always triumph over cyborg brooding.

Ziggy: 12
Lyn: 34

Mallow (SMRPG) Mallow vs Chu-Chu Chu-Chu (XG)

Dark Lord Magus
Finally, we get to decide what's superior...a big ball of marshmellowy fluff or a big ball of pink fur...There's some logic here..have you ever tried to get marshmellow goo out of fur? Chu-chu would run away screaming in terror at the mere thought of trying to get that gunk out of her fur. Thus, Mallow wins by default, prooving once and for all that stickiness prevails over cuteness.

Mallow: 49
Chu-Chu: 7

ChuChu...The bane of Xenogear's existance. The representation of all that is evil and bad in anime. Fluffy and pink, I hate to admit it...Mallow would lose. Deus is dead, thank goodness, because he would be striking me and ChuChu to the ground if he heard me utter such a decleration.

Bazba (S3) Bazba vs Raja Raja (PS4)

A thing that a lot of people forget about is Bazba's Cyclone Rune. The one or two shots of Healing Wind he's allowed are more than enough to keep him up against Raja's pathetic damage in order to outlast him.

Bazba: 24
Raja: 21

Dark Lord Magus
Raja has one secret weapon...one so horrifying that the very thought of it makes people scream in terror and flee...that is the awesome power of horrible jokes...too bad his opponent has no sense of humor, and thus will enjoy cleaving him in half with his giant Glide..poor Raja.

Thomas (S3) Thomas vs May May (SF2)

Sage Acrin
Unfortunatly for May, as she entered the arena, the first words she heard were "Presenting the Tenkai Star himself...".

May, having lived a rather sheltered and ditzy life, had made a simple, and often made, error. Namely, that all Tenkai Stars are Godlike material.

Therefore, it's hardly unnatural that she was seen galloping away from the arena, leaving a utterly puzzled, but victorious, Thomas.

Thomas: 28
May: 14

Nara (DW4) Nara vs Watari Watari (S3)

Oh come on, you actually think that Ninja's are predictable? Let alone that Nara's "visions" actually come true? I forsee Watari skewering Nara End Disc 1 FF7 style...

Nara: 7
Watari: 36

Season 13 Awards
In your opinion, what was the best moment of Season 13?
~RPGDL Staff
The Axeman
You might not believe it, but I clean up really nice. I had my best gel in my hair, and my favorite brand of body spray on. It took a lot of work to get me into a tuxedo, but I eventually had the monkey suit on, and I sat patiently at the award ceremony, wondering why I was here with all the competitors.

Well, there were a lot of strange things going on, that day. In one corner, the ducks stood off in one corner, along with about ten or twenty other ducks. They whispered suspiciously to each other. The artificial girl seemed to be pestering the hell out of the mage that came with her, while on the other side of the room, the blind girl seemed to be flirting with the mute guy. I'm still not sure how this was possible. The white haired guy seemed embarrassed by everyone else that sat with him. I'm pretty sure that the robot was sad. It was dancing to itself very slowly, and making a piteous series of beeps.

I just sat by myself and fell asleep.

When I came to, it was because the artificial girl was pulling on my jacket. She kept saying "You won! You won!" There was some applause from everyone but the ducks, who eerily walked out of the room, and the mage, who was getting indignant.

"But... it's me! How could I not win the prize? I bought everyone on the panel with Chaz's money!" He was grabbing at what apparently was my trophy. The presenter gave it to me.

"Nooooooo!!!!" Screamed the mage, as he made one final lunge for me.

So I sprayed him in the face with my Axe(tm) really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Bribing VIPs is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with Axe(tm) to the face.

Double PS4 Championship: 11
Duck Clan Dominance: 7
Ryu Champion: 13
Worker 8 Downgrade: 2
Vote Drive: 2
Shiho wins. Twice.: 10
Axeman Writeups: 19
Karsh in finals: 11

Having the most champions of any game, being an axe weilding duck who hits things really hard, stealing victories (and a championship!), being undeservedly pushed down, getting votes, being another person stealing victories, and not sucking are many ways to be remembered in the DL.

But it's damn hard to argue with a guy who writes about an axe to the face.

Jo'ou Ranbu
Do I REALLY have to comment about the last season's awards? Shiho makes Godlike tremble. She wins by default. And that's considering the fact that Season 13 was memmorable in its own. No one can stop a blind songstress and her bird.

Hard to pick on the bonus. Karsh making the finals was great, I love the voting increases, but the Axeman just takes the cake. Here's hoping we see more of him.

I can understand winning the bonus match, but Shiho WON AN ACTUAL MATCH? How the hell did she manage that? Outside interference from an 18-wheeler?