Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25  (Read 3017 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« on: December 29, 2009, 08:42:03 PM »

"Hmph... let's see what you're capable of this week."

Team Consonant vs. Floor 5
Team Djinn vs. Floor 5
Team Gatewalker vs. Floor 3
Team Unoriginal vs. Floor 1

Team Djinn's Matches

Floor 6b: The Strongest and Others

So you want to fight the strongest beings? Fine, then. Let's see how you do.

Battle #26: Kefka and Gilgamesh

Kefka: One-winged... oh, wait.

Battle #27: Jenna and Heat

*The team has been fully healed!

Jenna: Let us have a battle, then.
Heat: You shall all perish here.

Battle #28: Myria 1 and Zog

*The team has been fully healed!

Myria: You shall die here. The world needs not such as you.
Zog: Ha ha ha ha! Die, fools!

Battle #29: Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus

*The team has been fully healed!

Rhapthorne: Ha ha ha! You shall all die!
Dhoulmagus: Such a pity...

Boss Battle #6: Xorn, Zera Valmar and Evil Gaia

*The team has been fully healed!

Evil Gaia: Evil Gaia.

Team Gatewalker's Matches

Floor 4a: Counter-Punch

"Let's try something completely different...!"

*For this floor, any damage done to the enemies provokes one counter of the enemy's choice. Multitarget attacks cause all members hit to counter. These attacks are only targetted at the person who attacked the enemy, regardless of the original targetting mechanic.

Battle #16: FFT Squire x5 (w/ Nagrarock)

Squire: "The boss doesn't want you getting any farther."

Battle #17: Yosuke and Kanji

Yosuke: Let's do it, partner!
Kanji: Shut up and die!

Battle #18: Chie and Yukiko

Chie: Aha! Is now our chance?
Yukiko: There!

Battle #19: Nel, Fayt and Cliff

Nel: Let's go.
Fayt: All right!

Boss Battle #4: Genevieve

Genevieve: Worthless fools, wasting my powers... I shall show you true magic!

Team Unoriginal's Matches

Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!!

Battle #6: Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)

Milon: I have returned from death to crush you!
Kainazzo: Oh, that fool? The one who refused to give his kingdom to me...?

Battle #7: Booster and Mack


Battle #8: Scarmiglione (FF4 DS)

Scarmiglione: Ha ha ha... I have come back from death yet again...

Battle #9: Kary and Kraken

Kary: I, the Fiend of Fire shall stop you!

Boss Battle #2: Augus and Nimufu

Augus: Yes! Fight to the death for my god...

Team Nephrite's Matches

Floor 1: A Re-introduction (The Beginning)

"Ho ho ho ho! You've decided to return! Let us see what you can accomplish."

Battle #1: Palmer and Mist Dragon

Palmer: Muahaha! I am Science!!
Mist Dragon: Turn back!

Battle #2: Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight

Knight: You shall not pass here!

Battle #3: Marle, Alice and FFT Priest

Marle: Yeah! Let's go!
Alice: Yuri...

Battle #4: Lich

Lich: I will... devour you...

Boss Battle #1: Change Relic

*The team has been fully healed!

"Welcome to Monado Mandala! Here, you shall die!"


Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow | All (on Transform)]
[Floor 6b: The Strongest and Others]
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Jenna1 and Heat
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Myria1 and Zog
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Xorn, Zera Valmar and Evil Gaia

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can

only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies.

These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Gatewalker vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))
Team Gatewalker vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Gatewalker vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Gatewalker vs. Kanji and Yosuke
Team Gatewalker vs. Genevieve

Team Unoriginal | Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Bartz: Monk, Agility Secondary]
[Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!]
Team Unoriginal vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Unoriginal vs. Booster and Mack
Team Unoriginal vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Unoriginal vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Unoriginal vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2)

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 1: A Beginning]
Team Nephrite vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Nephrite vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Nephrite vs. Marle, Alice and FFT Priest
Team Nephrite vs. Lich (FF1)
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Change Relic

Multitarget - One person on the team's actions all become Multitargetted. However, the damage of regular attacks, the healing of all spells that restore HP or MP, the status rates of status spells or attacks and the effect of buffs or debuffs (rounded down to the nearest half point in the case of Pokemon) is reduced to 50% of the original base chance. (For example, Deadly Fingertips has a max 50% chance of hitting all targets.) This applies even if there is only one opponent left.

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, but reduces the final effect of any healing by 50%. (This means full healing is always 50%) The healing also only revives characters with 1 HP.

Violent Burst Law - Characters with game-specific gauges begin each floor with them at 100%. They charge at 50% of their normal rates. Bars that normally reset after battle (FP, for example) persist through battles.

Magic Fanatic

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 12:46:55 AM »
Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow | All (on Transform)]
[Floor 6b: The Strongest and Others]
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh - Djinn fries here if you don't see Delta Shield catching Gilgy's Rocket Punch/Strange Dance (They cost 0 MP, are not wallable in-game).  Kefka havoks Cloud, Gilgy Charms/Sleeps Aeris, Kefka Havoks Raquel.  Game.  Right.  Hashed this out with Djinn and Tal in chat, and Djinn winning this floor relies completely on allowing Aika and Tear to physical allies here, even though they can't do so in-game.  I'm in the camp of only Aeris and Cloud can do it off the bat, so...  Yeah.  After triple-checking the stat topic and TRYING to understand what the CT values meant towards average instead of just reading the assessment for Gilgy four, he doesn't look that fast on turn 1.  He needs to be that fast on turn one.  Game for Djinn.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Jenna1 and Heat - I have no idea how DDS works here.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Myria1 and Zog - No worries here.
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Xorn, Zera Valmar and Evil Gaia - More no worries?  Really don't think they can kill Aeris in time, and then that means that the team goes through this easily.  Abstaining on Djinn, since I don't know which way to think.

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack canonly be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies.  These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Gatewalker vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))
Team Gatewalker vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Gatewalker vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Gatewalker vs. Kanji and Yosuke
Team Gatewalker vs. Genevieve - Abstain

Team Unoriginal | Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Bartz: Monk, Agility Secondary]
[Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!]
Team Unoriginal vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Unoriginal vs. Booster and Mack
Team Unoriginal vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Unoriginal vs. Kary and Kraken - It's easy this far...
Team Unoriginal vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - But Nimufu's SweetBreath here makes me nervous, and the team has no status resistance.  If it gets lucky enough on the right people, then Uno's team fries here. Abstaining on this one.  Bah.  The likelihood of SweetBreath hitting everyone it needs to in one go is laughable.  Pass to Uno.

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 1: A Beginning]
Team Nephrite vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Nephrite vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Nephrite vs. Marle, Alice and FFT Priest
Team Nephrite vs. Lich (FF1)
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Change Relic - The Tank Fight leading into a fight where Alice and Priest can hit weakness on the Yuris makes me nervous, but it's Floor 1.  I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.  Ricardo has 6-8 shots of MT healing/revival (if he spends his MP on nothing else), Yuri2 has Revival in his Second Light Form (which...  Might let him actually survive easier on the Healer fight, yay 25% resist at that point!).  Yeah, general yes to the team right now.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 09:47:13 AM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2009, 02:15:16 AM »
Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow | All (on Transform)]
[Floor 6b: The Strongest and Others]
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh - Djinn fries here if you don't see Delta Shield catching Gilgy's Rocket Punch/Strange Dance (They cost 0 MP, are not wallable in-game).  Kefka havoks Cloud, Gilgy Charms/Sleeps Aeris, Kefka Havoks Raquel.  Game.

Team Djinn vs. Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus - So much sleep, so little status resistance.  Another case of "If you don't see Delta Shield catching it, they fry".

Really? You think Havok Wing will oneshot a Cloud with HP Plus? Also, Tear has revival. If Cloud goes down, she revives him and then Kefka would have to havok wing him again, letting Raquel get five turns.

And WA4 has a sleep blocker by this point, so Raquel, at the very least, shouldn't have a problem getting 5 shots off on Rhappy and Dhouly. I wanna Tear's MDEF should allow her to resist it well enough to get a turn, too.

And that's all assuming you don't allow Delta Shield to stop the statuses in the first place... >.>;;

Because if Cloud gets a turn->Omnislash. If Aeris gets a turn -> Planet Protector=Party-wide-Invincibility. If Raquel gets a turn -> 5x Raquel smash. Every fight, thanks to the full heals. Tear can even Overlimit every match to get a faster turn, depending on ARPG interps. Overlimit mode prevents most statuses (I think poison still works through it, oddly, but the stagger effect is gone from it?).

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2009, 02:28:53 AM »
Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow | All (on Transform)]
[Floor 6b: The Strongest and Others]
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh - Djinn fries here if you don't see Delta Shield catching Gilgy's Rocket Punch/Strange Dance (They cost 0 MP, are not wallable in-game).  Kefka havoks Cloud, Gilgy Charms/Sleeps Aeris, Kefka Havoks Raquel.  Game.

Team Djinn vs. Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus - So much sleep, so little status resistance.  Another case of "If you don't see Delta Shield catching it, they fry".

Really? You think Havok Wing will oneshot a Cloud with HP Plus?

Well, even with HP Plus, Cloud has a bunch of magic materia -and- Kefka's damage is probably in the house of the well over 2x PC HP overkill madness unless you take back row as default, at which point it's "only" well over PC HP overkill... yeah, it's not an unreasonable possibility. Furthermore, statusblockers only really get legal for the WA4 cast by floor 7 (Black Market, that's second half of the last dungeon territory) and Kefka, if he doesn't get killed, can just toss Havoc Wing => Train to Silence Raquel (doesn't take a ton to insta-double her, and he's fast enough even if you don't respect FFVI speed that much, methinks) and no Intrude for her. At -that- point, he could just be low enough to die to Raquel anyway, of course... issue is both Gilgy and Kefka outpace your team and Cloud can -not- hope to block -every single status he has-, and half of them are death (worth checking which of them are physical and magical). Also, Rocket Punch also isn't magical, I think, so no Delta Shield hype there. Of course, -that- is ST, like just about every status of his. THAT said, I think the fight is even viable, but you probably need Cloud or Raquel (most likely Raquel, really) to get a turn, and that's going to be messy with a party running off that speed spread, for all that Raquel spoils Fallen One well. Even moreso if Cloud's limit gauge goes kablooey if he dies.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 03:05:40 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2009, 09:11:06 AM »
Would Kefka's Silence even stop Raquel's FP stuff (As it doesn't prevent limits (as super irrelevant as they are in FF 6) or physical techs)? Not horribly important, but yeah.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2009, 09:40:12 AM »
Would Kefka's Silence even stop Raquel's FP stuff (As it doesn't prevent limits (as super irrelevant as they are in FF 6) or physical techs)? Not horribly important, but yeah.

Doesn't WA4's equivalent of Silence block out FP stuff?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2009, 09:49:51 AM »
Yes, but Kefka has FF 6 Silence, which is like most FF Silence is pretty strict on only getting magic.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2009, 12:12:37 PM »
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh- Kefka can't OHKO Cloud or Raquel, so no go here. Raquel on the other hnadn does horrible, horrible things to him and Gilgamesh has no durability to speak of.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Jenna1 and Heat- Jenna's walled fairly well by Delta shield, which means the team is ignoring her to carve Heat up. They should be able to manage it.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus- Cloud blows Omnislash here. Rhapthorne's too dangerous/annoying to leave alive otherwise.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Myria1 and Zog- Ouch. Djinn gets his money's worth out of Cover here, as it keeps his frail characters alive. As long as Aika gets some form of MDef buffing spell up, the team's fine. Keep cloud healed and pound on Myria as needed.
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Xorn, Zera Valmar and Evil Gaia- Great Gospel makes Xorn's danger range emo (Haha aren't I funny?). Zera blows ass and gets destroyed as soon as Raquel gets a turn, EG is EG. The team can withstand Xorn's attacks until Zera/EG gets smacked, then heal up, chip, and blow Great Gospel before Xorn gets pushed into pyscho damage range. Raquel Intrudes Xorn into the dirt after that.

Djinn is in deep shit if Kefka OHKOs Cloud offhand. He needs Omnislash and Great Gospel to get past this floor.

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
Team Gatewalker vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))- Squires are merely an annoyance. No problem for this team.
Team Gatewalker vs. Chie and Yukiko- Yukiko gets brutally overkilled by Fogel, and Chie can't do anything on her own's that threatening.
Team Gatewalker vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff- Fogel's sword--->Nel's face---;_; SO3 team. Eileen CFs herself and nothing else that is done is a threat. Tia may get nuked but that is what revival's for.
Team Gatewalker vs. Kanji and Yosuke- Fogel smites puny Yosuke, etc. The normal here, Kanji isn't a threat on his own.
Team Gatewalker vs. Genevieve- I'd probably vote Fogel over Genevieve in the DL. Um yeah. Counters are not saving her here.

Team Unoriginal | Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Bartz: Monk, Agility Secondary]
[Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!]
Team Unoriginal vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Unoriginal vs. Booster and Mack
Team Unoriginal vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Unoriginal vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Unoriginal vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2)- Not much worth talking about here. Fogel vs floor 2 is like sending the US army to beat up Meeple's brother.  I see that Uno went for the usual min/max whoring as well.

Tenative pass to Neph's team as well. Ricardo started with Arc Healing so yeah.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2009, 01:33:56 PM »
What super said. If for some reason one doesn't buy that though there's Bartz and Peppita buffing Bartz, Fogel and herself with Power Dance > Magic Hook > Power Dance and then using buffed physicals or something. Nimufu has to significantly survive any one of those three. Doubt that's happening.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2009, 07:42:46 PM »
Djinn fries, Gate and Unoriginal pass, abstain on Neph's team.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2009, 08:59:58 PM »
Can't vote on XORN or EG, so abstaining on Djinn.

I pass fairly handily.

Uno practically has my team+, so yeah this so so not a problem for him. Fogel has fairly good status res, iirc, so should dodge the status and then kill Nimufu. And I'd vote Fogel over Augus 1 on 1, so even though Augus is getting a free turn on him, Fogel has some help that will be able to chip in at least something to tilt the odds back in his favor. Pass.

Neph's team is also competent enough to pay the floor 1 entry fee. Pass
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2009, 09:43:23 PM »
Everyone passes~
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2010, 04:08:58 PM »
Djinn: You're allowed to move All materia around, right?  Because linking All to Transform this floor is...  interesting.

Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow | All (on Transform)]
[Floor 6b: The Strongest and Others]
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh
On Kefka: the only reason not to be in the back row in endgame FF6 is if you hold Offering / Genji Glove madness against Kefka, which would only be for one character anyway, and at that point Kefka's HP is going to look truly bad.  So yeah, full back row.  Still, not sure it matters if Kefka can OHKO Cloud.  Aeris can use Planet Protector, Tear can use Innocent Shine, Raquel can go on an Intrude spree.  *Any* one of these basically ends the battle.  So um yeah.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Jenna1 and Heat
DDS, will assume a pass.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus
Smashed up by Meteostorm, Innocent Shine, etc.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Myria1 and Zog
Not enough offense from the BoF bosses.
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Xorn, Zera Valmar and Evil Gaia
Xorn isn't as great as you'd think in a team match.  Everyone else dies horribly to offense, then blitz out Xorn with limits.  Or hell just another "Planet Protector-> Win" if you want.

Team Gatewalker...  I think Eileen needs to blow an Earthquake on the SO3 fight and get MP-nuked in response, but after that the enemy team should be weak enough to handle?  Yuna is hard to hit and cheaty there.  Afterward, my Genevieve respect is low so a no-MP Eileen is not a problem.  Pass.

Team Nephrite passes, he's got enough healing.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2010, 04:58:29 PM »
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh
On Kefka: the only reason not to be in the back row in endgame FF6 is if you hold Offering / Genji Glove madness against Kefka, which would only be for one character anyway, and at that point Kefka's HP is going to look truly bad.  So yeah, full back row.  Still, not sure it matters if Kefka can OHKO Cloud.  Aeris can use Planet Protector, Tear can use Innocent Shine, Raquel can go on an Intrude spree.  *Any* one of these basically ends the battle.  So um yeah.

You realize that Gilgy also has perfect and near-perfect Charm and Sleep attached to what look like physical attacks/skills while is nearly/is over double average speed, right?  Kefka's also doubling Raquel at the very least (if Gilgy not TRIPLING her off the bat is in your views), and everyone not Aika is below average speed.  Kefka can kill Tear, Gilgy can confuse/charm (whatever you want to call it) Cloud and Aeris before they get a turn, Kefka kills (or silences, if you see that as stopping Raquel's ability to kill with Intrude spam) Raquel, and then the battle's lost from there.

That's why I said that Djinn passing or failing this floor depends ENTIRELY on your view of whether or not a character can target an ally with a physical attack (to cure the Charm/Confusion), even if they can't do so in-game.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2010, 05:08:42 PM »
Noting that if Kefka silences Raquel, she can probably still OHKO his frail self with her physical.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2010, 05:13:41 PM »
FF7 had blockers for Charm I thought~
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2010, 05:24:04 PM »
...It does, actually.  Strategy guide didn't have a price listed for the Peace Ring (or list the Peace Ring as blocking Confusion), so I didn't consider it...  But yeah, Djinn would need to be able to block Sleep AND Charm/Confusion, which...  He can't do.  One or the other, yes, but not both.

Then again, I'm almost certain that once a character wakes up from FF sleep by any means, their turn timer resets, so...  Yeah.

Does it do the same thing for Charm as well?  I'm not sure.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 05:26:39 PM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2010, 05:51:33 PM »
Yeah, I let FF7 block Charm and I don't buy THAT amount of Gilgamesh double hype.  FF6 speed hype falls basically on deaf ears as well, all characters are basically average speed after turn 1 to me and Kefka's turn 1...  well, I'm not sure how I take it, but it's certainly not letting him insta-double Raquel.  FF5 speed matters more but I don't see an insta-double there.  Basically Cloud, Aeris, Tear, and Raquel all need to die before they get a turn and Kefka + Gilgamesh have two turns to make that happen.  No.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2010, 06:05:01 PM »
Does it do the same thing for Charm as well?  I'm not sure.
As it goes, it doesn't for sleep either. Sleep stops the timer completely, in much the same way Stop does. Once it's removed, the timer continues. As for Charm/Confu, the timer keeps going, but once their attack has been chosen, even if they're then broken out of Confusion, the attack is carried out.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2010, 05:27:12 AM »
Team Djinn passes since it looks like my Kefka respect may have just taken another notable hit.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2010, 07:41:56 AM »
Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform, HP Plus, Deathblow | All (on Transform)]
[Floor 6b: The Strongest and Others]
Team Djinn vs. Kefka and Gilgamesh - I feel like I've hashed out this fight like 20 times. In the worst-case scenario if you hold a lot of assumptions against me, I could lose this. However, my FF5/6 speed respect isn't so great, so I'd lean towards -one- of my deadly characters getting a turn, and that's all I need. If you hold bosses to any kind of AI, then my team -definitely- wins as Kefka has to use initiative Fallen One, which activates Raquel's Red Zone (low HP -> instant turn) and she proceeds to Intrude these frail jokes into dust. Assuming you -don't- hold them to in-game AI, then Kefka starts off with Havok Wing. Gilgamesh Charms or Sleeps someone. And unless you really respect FF5 speed, then one of my average-speed people gets a turn (Tear, Cloud, or Aeris). That's game.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Jenna1 and Heat - The rest of these matches aren't bad since most of these guys are foiled by the Delta Shield/Cover combo, and my Limits are replenished each round to allow for lots of smash.
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Rhapthorne and Dhoulmagus
*Full heal
Team Djinn vs. Myria1 and Zog
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Xorn, Zera Valmar and Evil Gaia - Xorn is scary, but he doesn't have quite enough turns to take out my whole party through the Delta Shield/Cover combo. Once Aeris gets a turn, she can use Planet Protector or Great Gospel to make the party invincible for 3 turns, which should be more than enough. Once Raquel gets a turn, she Intrudes on Xorn's little game. Zera and Evil Gaia aren't really scary on their own against my team, which still has Omnislash and Innocent Shine as backup.

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can

only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies.

These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Gatewalker vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))
Team Gatewalker vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Gatewalker vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Gatewalker vs. Kanji and Yosuke
Team Gatewalker vs. Genevieve - If my Genevieve respect was higher, this fight would be scary. However, MT Transform -> Full party of Fogels handles things nicely. I'm still waiting for a floor that doesn't get handled by 5 Fogels. Yukiko by herself -almost- does it. But 5 Eileens handles her.

Team Unoriginal | Bartz, Fogel, Peppita, Aeris, Ditto (Quick Powder)(MT)
[Bartz: Monk, Agility Secondary]
[Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!]
Team Unoriginal vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Unoriginal vs. Booster and Mack
Team Unoriginal vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Unoriginal vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Unoriginal vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - It's a Fogel party!

Team Nephrite | Yuri1, Yuri2, Arnaud, Ricardo (Life), Ditto (Quick Powder)
[Floor 1: A Beginning]
Team Nephrite vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Nephrite vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Nephrite vs. Marle, Alice and FFT Priest
Team Nephrite vs. Lich (FF1)
*Full Heal
Team Nephrite vs. Change Relic - I'm getting sick of Ditto, but at least it's -sane- on this team. Two Arnauds really helps out in this fight.

Magic Fanatic

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2010, 08:55:39 AM »
Team Djinn vs. Xorn, Zera Valmar and Evil Gaia - Xorn is scary, but he doesn't have quite enough turns to take out my whole party through the Delta Shield/Cover combo. Once Aeris gets a turn, she can use Planet Protector or Great Gospel to make the party invincible for 3 turns, which should be more than enough. Once Raquel gets a turn, she Intrudes on Xorn's little game. Zera and Evil Gaia aren't really scary on their own against my team, which still has Omnislash and Innocent Shine as backup.

Not to nitpick, but Planet Protector lasts closer to eight turns (to average).  To quote from this FFVII Battle Mechanics Guide:

Every time you take a turn, your Turn Timer is reduced to 0, and then
increases using the formulas given above every tick.  When this reaches
65535, you will be able to take your next turn.  This is equal to just under
8 Units of 8192, so at average Dex, about 8 V-Timer Units will pass between

The ultimate defensive Status Attribute.  Unfortunately, only one character
has the ability to use this: Aeris.  When used, it grants the target full
immunity to all Physical and Magical attacks, and since every attack in the
game is one of these, it essentially means that no attack in the game can
touch you while you are under this status.  Status attributes from other
sources are also defended against for the exact same reason, with the
exception of Imprisoned which is a special case.  Unfortunately, Peerless has
a limited duration and the immunity makes it impossible to heal while under
it, but it is still a formidable Attribute.

Visuals:      Character flashes Yellow
Effects:      Voids all damage
              Immune to all Status Attributes except Imprisoned
Duration:     64 V-Timer Units
Protected by: 'Petrify', 'Resist'
Cured by:     None

I don't know if you knew directly or just was working under an assumption that you needed less turns, but...  Yeah.  Then again, I could also be reading this guide wrong.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 09:17:11 AM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2010, 12:35:11 PM »
Abstain on Djinn. Others pass.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2010, 04:12:35 PM »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 25
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2010, 09:45:18 PM »
Everyone passes.  The only one that looks like trouble is Djinn's, and I think taking Kefka against backrow is enough, not to mention I'm not sure I respect ATB speed that much.