Bonjour, my friends! I hope you had a very merry holiday and wish you all a wonderful new year! I would like to welcome you to the semi finals of Season 23! So... welcome! But I'm sure you did not come all this way simply for me to tell you that, hm? The Results are in, so please feel free to look at them!

Melfice is back and he's ready to tear some more people up! He's completely trashed his last few opponents and intends to do the same with Virgil. However, Virgil is unlike all the opponents Melfice has faced thus far; he's quite fast himself. These two speedy bosses are going to be sending attacks back and forth, dearly hoping they can trash the other before they themselves fall.

The Dragoon Fenril has done surprisingly well this season. Her accomplishments have not gone unnoticed by her kindred, Fogel and Slust. However, she now has a much bigger task ahead of her. Rudy, the ARMs user who was able to take out the much talked-about Worker 8 now stands before her. With her agility, she should be able to outspeed him, but at the time time, Rudy's ARMs pack quite a bit more of a punch than she does. It's a battle of speed versus power, I wonder who will win?

Depending on who you're routing for, Jaffar versus Snowe is an interesting match. Jaffar is typically thought of as an unimpressive Assassin, whereas Snow is typically thought of as someone you want to punch in the face! How boorish! But at any rate, these two fighters are going to be battling it out this week! It's the Angel of Death versus the Bratty Noble! Hm, that doesn't quite sound right, does it?

At any rate, you should hurry over to The Arena my friends and cast your votes. I hope the people that you wish to win do!

As is always the case, The Forums continue to exist for your benefit. We hope that you will come by and speak with its denziens from time to time, we always do like to hear from you. As a side note, feel free to go check out the The Season 23 Semifinals Topic and speak about this week's matches as you see fit.

There is no Not Ranked for this week, however it will be making its most grand reappearance this Sunday, so be on the look out for it! When it's up, you can head toThe Not Ranked Arena to see what's happening.

It's time for me to go, my friends, but I wish you all the very best for the rest of your year and hope it all goes well for you. Ms. Chisato would like to share some Behind the Scenes with you before you go, so please stick around for it.
*yawn* Good morning, and welcome to another installment of Behind the Scenes. Now where's my coffee?
What kind of intro is that? Where's the passion, the emotion, the excitement?
At the bottom of my coffee mug. Whose bright idea was it to do a morning show?
Hey, if you want to stay behind and miss Crono's Temporal New Year party, feel free.
It'll probably just be a repeat of last year.
...Hahaha! I get it!
I told you he's even dumber without his morning coffee.
Well, if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.
While Odin goes off in search of his beloved drink, let's get started. Welcome to the final Behind the Scenes of the year. I'm your host, Chisato Madison, along with the usual bunch of idiots. Our first guest is the newcomer who's set Godlike ablaze with an impressive debut. Hello, Sarevok.
You pulled quite the psych job on Jade last week. Do you plan on doing the same thing against Ryu?
What business is it of yours?
Ya know, these things tend to go a lot quicker if you just answer the questions and get out quietly.
All of this is beneath me, mimir.
Someone's cranky because they had to get up early.
Why must you ceaselessly mock me?
Because mocking is what sidekicks do best.
You have to lighten up, Sarevok. I mean, it's the only way you'll survive in the DL with your sanity intact. Case in point, our next guest.
Melfice has used his culinary interests to tame his bloodlust outside the arena. You could learn something from him.
Can we hurry this up? I've got a few dozen vats of Wailing Soul Soup that need to be done in time for the party, and they aren't going to spice themselves.
Of course. Well, this is your sixth semifinal appearance, and your second against Virgil. Do you think he'll be easier to beat this time?
I hope not. He's a good fighter, even if he has a stupid name. If he could just keep his temper, he'd be a real threat.
Does this mean we'll see the kinder, gentler Melfice in the arena this week?
What are you implying, Miss Madison?
Hey, Chisato, I found the coffee, but it's cold and has a bit of a film on it.
Add a pinch of nutmeg. That should counteract the poor quality of the brew, and that's a good thing.
I don't get it.
Oh yes, I can see why you'd like me to become a docile sheep like this poor soul, child. I have too much self-respect for that, even at the cost of salvation. Good day.
All right, with that, it's time for Heavy. Our first guest is KOS-MOS.
We haven't had a chance to talk much about it, so let's get it over with. How do you like your new look?
My external appearance is irrelevant with regards to the League in general.
Well, it certainly doesn't hurt.
Your opponent is a bit of a ladykiller. Are you concerned with that?
Zeno's power is formidable, but nothing to be concerned about.
Well, thank you for your time. Now...
Jean, what are you doing here?
I was just wondering when madame would be ready for our date.
Aw, there's nothing like love between a slimy pretentious creature and a frog.
Look, I've told you before, I'm not going out with you tonight. I already have a date.
Wait, there's <>another<> person desperate enough to agree to be seen with you in public?
Mutual benefit. I stop the rumors that have been spreading around, she gets someone who doesn't care if she dates other people or punches them through walls.
Ah, the hallmark of true romance.
But, my sweet...
I am not "your" anything.
Yeah, sister! Show that pig who's in charge.
A pig? Non, madame - I am a frog prince.
Maybe on the outside, but it's the heart that counts. And yours is one of a pig!
Every minute spent around that woman makes me wonder if Werner or I was the lucky one.
Hey, you don't have a say, Rudy. Cecelia and Jane are nothing compared to harpies numbers one and two.
And you can stop it with your stupid mute act. We all know you can talk.
I take great exception to your teasing.
And I take great exception to your EXISTENCE!
Thank goodness that Melody, for all her faults, is nothing like her.
Hey, you have a problem with me, male scum?!
Yeah, there's no way that this is going to end well.
In your opinion.
Come on, everyone should lighten up! Remember what the song says: Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind. That means that you should all try and be friendly today of all days, or else there's going to be a mess and I'll have to clean it up.
Rudy and Odin are right. Calm down, let's wrap up the show, and get to partying.
Fine. There's plenty of time for violence over the rest of the week. For all of us at BtS, so long, farewell, and see you next year.