Yet again, my friends, we have reached the end of a season. Many have won and lost, but yet, you all have returned here to see me. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The Results are up for last week, so I would ask that you all discover them.

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Team Ryu and Team Chaos! Ryu has proven time and time again that he is a champion and yet again, we have a team match led by him. Supported by Rydia, Marivel and Peppita, he intends to be a victor yet again. Chaos, supported by Zog, Toadstool and Watari, has no intentions of losing to Ryu again. These two massive titans will have it out again, this time supported by some extra help!

This is it for this Season, so make sure you hurry and vote in The Arena right away!

Remember to sign up at The Forums after you've voted in the team match! We always welcome newcomers!

There's another reason you should sign up this week! The sign up at Nomination Pools for Season 25 are up until this Saturday, when we do those very nominations! Get your pools in today!

Also please check out the The Season 24 Post Finals Topic for information and insightful conversations about this week's matches!

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

Speaking of Bonus Matches, remember that The Not Ranked Arena is open until Sunday! What does that have to do with Bonus Matches? I don't know!

**On that note, what would you say if YOU could pick who was in the next Not Ranked season? Would that be exciting to you? Then you'd better go over to The Not Ranked Vote Drive Bonus post! I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd be interested, so please check it out!

I hope to see you all the next time our adventure begins anew. Until then, Chisato and the Behind the Scenes screw has something for you. Not too distant future Next Sunday A.D. There is a gal, Chisato, A reporter from Energy Nede She works on a show for the DL The equivalent of a career's death knell Now she's trapped in the BtS Studio The unwilling captive of her old boss, Nate Nanjo.
Get... me... out!
I'll send her stupid fighters The worst I can find (la la la) She'll have to sit and talk to them all While I monitor her mind (lalala) Now keep in mind she can't control When the interviews begin or end (lalala) She'll try to keep her sanity Despite her co-host friends Co-host roll call! Ultros!
We're on! Odin!
My mop! Gilgamesh!
Oh, huzzah. Mooooorte!
Bite me! If you're wondering how she eats and breathes And other science facts (lalala) Just repeat to yourself it's just a show I should really just relax And watch Behind the Scenes... 3000. *twang*
I can't believe that Nate locked us in here.
At least he left us enough food to last the week. I'm sure he'll let us out after that.
Ah, denial. It's a wonderful thing.
It's all I have to work with right now.
Hey, Nate's calling.
Hello, Chisato, hired goons.
Nate! What the hell do you think you're doing locking me in here?!
It's sweeps, and we need a gimmick to improve our ratings.
But don't we already have somewhere around 90% of the total audience watching us?
Well, maybe I just don't like you.
Fine, whatever. I don't care about your reasons right now, let's just do the show right now. Welcome to Behind the Scenes, yadda yadda yadda, first guests are Watari and Peppita.
Did you know the doors won't open? I guess we're stuck together, huh?
There's nothing in the world that I could have done in the past to justify such torment.
I believe we have a reckoning of sorts to come to, Chisato.
Oh please. Everyone who comes on the show knows that they're most likely to get hurt in some way.
Especially if you're on staff.
Well, she's on staff, isn't she?
Well, bring it on then!
And once more we degenerate into senseless violence. Ah, well. You seem to have made a fine recovery from last week, Peppita.
I guess. I'm kind of sad that I didn't win. But Watari's a good fighter, so I'm not too upset.
Damn it, stand still!
See? That's why he's a champion. Go Watari!
Wow, Chisato's losing. Maybe this imprisonment thing isn't so bad after all.
Come on, show some loyalty. He's a ninja, Chisato! If you can't launch him, you'll have to use the power of attacking with exposition.
Of course! Watari, prepare for my special attack!
Rising Dragon, I know. I can dodge it.
Not quite. Feel a pain that shall extend to your descendants! Special Attack, Taser to the Groin!
Bad form, boss. Very unsportsmanlike.
I won, so I don't care. Now let's head on to Middle.
I believe you all owe me an apology.
More like you owe me a sandwich, but whatever floats your boat.
You male pig!
Let's not go through this again...
Well, Marivel, you fell a little short for the second time. Still, you stand a great chance at becoming the third former Light Champion to ascend to Heavy. How do you feel about that?
It was inevitable. My only regret is that it will be under less than perfect conditions.
True. Still, beggars can't be choosers.
Bah! Begging is beneath one such as myself. However, it stands to reason that only one whose royalty approaches my own would surpass me.
And what exactly do you rule over?
Why, we Crimson Nobles are the true rulers of Filgaea, of course.
I thought it was the Guardians.
It may appear so, but only to the unsophisticated eye.
Right. Well, thank you, Miss Delusional Vampire.
Whatever. Heavy, chief?
Of course.
Pay up, Odin. I told you I could get her to admit that she's fat on camera.
Aargh! That wasn't what I meant and you know it!
Hey, Zog can't seem to fit through the door right now.
That's all right. We'll just talk to you. So, why is is that you guys keep failing right at the Heavy finals?
Pardon me?
Cecil, Rosa, and now you - each of you've made it to the Heavy finals and lost, while two of the Fiends have won. Any ideas why?
It's just luck, like how my boyfriend hasn't been able to do much in the ring proper.
And speaking of rings, are the rumors true that -
No comment.
No. Comment.
Fine, be that way. We'll just skip ahead to our final guests, the epitome of destruction and also Chaos.
I hate you, dragon.
Believe me, Chaos, you're in good company on that front.
Well, since we seem to be on a "three" kick, let's do one more. Congratulations Ryu the Third, for becoming the third back to back Godlike Champion in the DL's history. Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?
Choke on your vomit and die?
Surrender AND die in obscurity?
Always floss after brushing your teeth?
All good things. Good riddance, Ryu, and goodbye.
Isn't that a little too objective, Chisato?
What? It's not like my words necessarily reflect those of the DL itself.
Speak for yourself.
Can we get back to me now?
Fine. We'll finish up with the standard "we don't care about you" question: what are you going to do during your hiatus from the DL?
I've been invited to attend a symposium on temporal mechanics and how they affect final bosses. I believe Giygas is hosting, though I'm the guest speaker.
Great. Godd luck with whatever it is you just said. Gilgamesh, take us out of here while the rest of us try to find an escape route.
Right. Well, for those of us trapped in the Behind the Scenes studio, this is Gilgamesh, signing off. Good day