Welcome! Welcome, my friends! The finals are over, the votes have been cast! All that's left this week is the Results and the Team matches! Amazing!

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Sephiroth and Yuna's teams now stand facing each other.

Sephiroth, Artea, Strago and Chisato have to work together to defeat their rivals. Sephiroth's attacks, Artea's healing, Strago's status... oh, and of course, Chisato's beauty and grace (...) will defeat their opposing team. Together, this team will achieve victory!

Yuna, Wakka, Maria and Forde stand against them. Yuna may have been defeated, but now she has the power of friends with her. Yuna's summons and her white magic, Wakka's accurate status attacks, Maria's support spells and MP damage, along with Forde's potent physical attacks will hopefully be enough to knock Sephiroth and his cronies out!

The Arena now awaits all of you, my friends. Go. Go and cast your vote. Don't hesitate!

People are always welcome at The Forums so please head on over! Newcomes are invited to join and take part whenever they'd like.

If you would like to, you may participate in the Season 25 Team Matches Topic you may at your leisure!

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

I hope that Chisato's loss has not shadowed any hearts of the fans of Behind the Scenes. She fought valiantly and lost gracefully. She will be seen soon again at her normal job... until then, Behind the Scenes!!
Ow... my head...
Likewise. At least you have other parts of you that are relatively unscathed.
Not so loud! Aagh...
Pathetic. I would have expected at least the mimir to be able to hold his brew.
I still drank you under the table, Moppy. That was some party.
Yes, but he didn't spend the past week unconscious.
It wasn't long enough.
So what... did we miss? Ow...
I don't want to talk about it.
Oh, so you lost.
I said I don't want to talk about it.
Well, in any case, welcome to Behind the Scenes, by hangover victims, for hangover victims. It's the end of another season, and you know what that means - the end of season Team Match! Our first guests are Team Sephiroth. Hello, boys and boss.
Good day.
So, are we going to kick ass?
Watch your language!
Not a problem.
All right, moving on...
Wait, that's it for the interview?
Of course. The old prude is probably going to fall asleep any minute now, his Dark Hotness isn't talkative, and you're boring.
"Dark Hotness"?
You really don't want to know.
So if we're done here, let's send in our unfortunate opponents.
Unfortunate, but a champion.
Yeah, ya! It feels good to be a winner, ya?
I know, and I'm happy for you. Besides, this way we can fight together.
Exactly! It'll be just like old times, ya!
Well, sort of.
All right. So...
Wait! Isn't there supposed to be someone else on our team?
Yes. Your point?
Well, wouldn't it be polite to have everyone here?
Again, yes. Your point?
Let's just get this over with.
All right. Maria, congratulations on your win. I'd ask about your plans for the upcoming match, but I think we both know you're not going to talk about it.
That's right.
Fine. And Yuna, you're not at all jealous at losing the championship when Wakka won?
Of course she isn't!
I can speak for myself, you know.
Um... sorry.
Hey, you're trying to undermine our team dynamics, aren't you?
No comment. Anyway, we have a final guest, but I'll need Yuna's help for this one.
Oh, right. Thank you for reminding me.
Hello, Shiva.
What am I doing here?
Besides looking absolutely ravishing?
Well, you're the representative to discuss the Not Ranked tournament.
Why me?
Because you're competing, why else?
I am? Oh really...
You didn't know?
Well, you see, I was so busy with my matches that... well, I suppose I forgot to tell you.
Some advance warning would have been nice. Now I'll have to let Yojimbo know I can't make it to his party.
Really? That stinks. He makes great sushi.
I wouldn't know... Ifrit likes to heat up my food when he thinks I'm not looking.
So, anything to say about Not Ranked?
Um... watch it?
Uh-huh. Great sales pitch there.
Well, Ultros seems to have passed out again, so I'll take care of the cameras. On behalf of the staff, see you for Season 26!