That's right, signors! Yet another season is OVER, and we have the latest batch of champions and runners-up! Some are fresh faces, others are longtime veterans, but all had the necessary levels of PASSION and GUSTO to get where they are today! Now, I know you miss the levels of excitement the Monstrous Pit provided this season, but rest assured that the next season will be just as good-or better! First, let us put this season to rest with the Results Page , ay?

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click
This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Season 33's Traditional Team Match is another Monstrous Pit staple, and always proves to be one of the most entertaining events of the season. This match will no doubt prove a worthy successor! Team Ghaleon is all about power. From Ghaleon's slow but relentless double-casting assault, to Zed's quick and devastating sword strikes, to Ziggy's impressive durability and physical prowness, to Reis's dragon breaths, the team can dish out quite a bit of damage. And, at least as far as Ghaleon and Ziggy are concerned, they can take quite a lot as well. Zed and Reis may not survive for many rounds of concentrated firepower but by the time they fall the opposing team may be damaged beyond repair, and Ghaleon and Ziggy could hold them off. A very scary team to face, ay?

But what about team Rika? Well, Rika is the ultimate teammate, with her array of mighty stat-buffing spells and healing. Not that she can't dish out the punishment as well, as her defeated Godlike opponents can attest. Harken is another fast, powerful WA boss, with plenty of firepower that can be augumented to insane levels by Rika. Delita has his MT swordskills and the possibilty of status wrecking the PC's. Lieza rounds things off by playing a lesser support role, with her healing assisting Rika when she's too busy stat-buffing or dealing damage. Any durability advantages will be erased by Rika's spells, and the overall speed advantage will be augumented to give the team even more turns against the sluggish Ghaleon and Ziggy. Will it be enough, though, to overcome the massive onslaught of Team Ghaleon?

So who will win? That's up for you to decide, as always, but if I were you I'd think carefully, signors!

The above match and the upgrade/downgrade pools make up the Monstrous Pit this week, signors. I trust you will vote to your heart's content, ay?

All sorts of discussion and debates go on in the Season 33, Week 6 topic. Why not stop by?

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

I'll see you next week, with a new season and new duellers! Don't forget to make a nomination pool in the forums if you want to see your favorite contestants in next season! Enjoy the latest in the dark side of interviewing and mockery in Behind the Scenes!
Welcome to Behind the Scenes, where we're wrapping up Season 33 the only way we know how!
With rampant violence?
Over budget?
Of course! And now here's the star of the show, Miss Chisato Madison!
Thank you. On today's... Rika, what are you doing?
She's been like that since she lost last week.
Actually, come to think of it, she was being a bit peculiar even before that.
Do you think she'll explode?
What the...
...Please stop that.
<3 KAWAII! <3>
Keep it to yourself. Let's start with Light. Lieza, you're a tamer who beat a dragon to win Light. Do you think you'll have as much success if you upgrade to Middle?
Look! She's got a ball of string! Isn't it so adorable?
Lieza! I'm actually giving you the chance to have a proper interview!
Later, later. Right now it's kitty time!
*sigh* Fine. At least in Middle we won't have to worry about the distraction.
Quite right. I have no feelings towards cuteness.
And I'd rather stab the cat than pet it.
We've talked an awful lot with you this season Delita, so we'll concentrate on Ziggy. So close to the ultimate goal, but you fell a little short.
It's quite all right. My only disappointment is that they found a way to revive me after the match.
And they still can't reverse engineer that cure for Teta! Argh!
What do you plan to do during your hiatus?
My goal is to find some sensible shoes that don't make the floor clunk when I walk. I hate that.
Right. Keep reaching for the stars there.
Sarcasm is not your shtick.
Um, Chisato?
Not now, Gilgamesh.
No, really, you need to see this.
Noseless Wonder over here decided to try playing a rousing game of "Drown The Cat", but things went horribly wrong.
I guess she shrinks in the wash.
Oh Tria, not...
It's a Chibi Kitty! Aww, I just want to hug it and pat it and pet it and feed it tuna and take it for walks and let it scratch up all my favorite furniture!
Including Blankey?
B...blankey... WAAH!
And that's for the sentimental crack, you overgrown baby.
So you're not affected by the stupid little cat anymore?
Chibis remind me of toddlers. I hate kids.
Bad experiences?
I was the only qualified babysitter in Arctica. The memories have scarred me for life.
Really? I just look at them and they calm down.
And if that's not enough proof that children are monsters, I don't know what is.
And... oh, come on. Like we really want to interview Ghaleon again.
You know it's true.
Tell you what. If you can get rid of Rika without resorting to violence...
...then we'll interview.
I could just obliterate you all instead.
Well, you could try.
If you blow up the studio, you're paying for it.
Very well.
[Ten GP says he can't do it.]
I'll see that, and raise ten that says he does it without laying a finger on her.
Not a chance. I'm with Reis.
I don't care how it happens, I just want that cat out of here.
All right... shoo!
Scat. Go away.
This is just pathetic.
Maybe if you treat her like a person and not a cat, she'll go out of it.
...I think I have it. Hello, numan.
@_@ Ooh, where am I?
Of course! The antithesis of anime is American culture!
I have the vague idea that I should be insulted by that right now, but for the life of me I can't figure out why.
Now interview me.
And we're out of time here at Behind the Scenes.
You will interview me or you will die!
For all of us at Behind the Scenes, see you next season.
Burn, witch!
And there goes the insurance rates, up yet again...