Signors, welcome to the RPG Dueling League, an online community dedicated to pitting the fiercest, most PASSIONATE competitors from the RPG world against each other in a battle of fighting skill, and then democratically deciding who wins. I am your humble host, Morrie, and it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Arena, or as I like to call it, THE MONSTROUS PIT!!!

The RPGDL is a site where anyone can vote on a series of matches between a host of different RPG characters every week. Each Season, match-ups are organized by random selection among the 4 different divisions: "Light", "Middle", "Heavy", and "Godlike". The winners of the initial match-ups are decided by which contestant receives the most votes, and then continue on to fight the other winners in a tournament setup until the end of a season, ending up with 4 champions, one from each division. The sixth week of a season features a team match where the Godlike champion and other three runner-ups face off against the Godlike runner-up and other three champions; as well as a chance for re-rankings among the divisions. Not that difficult, ay?

So welcome to the RPGDL, signors, we hope you enjoy your stay! For a more in-depth summation of the features of the site, head over to the FAQ. For more information on the Rules, Chat, exciting additional tournaments, or stat topics, which detail information about all your favorite duelers, visit or join the Forum.

Ready for the link of the week, signors? The Not Ranked duelling league is OPEN! The usual electic assortment of fighters are ready and waiting for everyone to come see them in action. Week one is still open! Come see the action! Come check out the Not Ranked Monster Pit Here, and see the matchups before they happen! We also have our Tournament Board link of the season. This season we look at the Full Roster tournament of Dhyerwolf's. Ever wanted to see EVERY single awesome fighter in one tournament? Then this is for you! Take a look at the action, aye?

I hope to see you around again. The Monstrous Pit needs voters like YOU always, signors.
Welcome to BtS, season 37 week 4, where we taun- er, tortu- er, interview the semi-finalists for each round! Here's our host, Chisatoooo Madisoooon!
Remind me why we decided to have him introduce us?
I kinda thought it was cute.
Like teaching a trained monkey to dance the tarantella?
Watching the trained monkey collapse after performing the tarantella for three days straight?
And our first interviewees are... Sephiroth and Lambda, of Godlike!
Welcome, you two. So. First, Lambda. Your relentless strikes have worn down two opponents thus far. Are you ready to take on the famed Sephiroth?
Sure. I've got plenty of plans for dealing with the original momma's boy. 99% involve dodging him while whipping him good, but there's still some innovation in there!
Right. Sephiroth?
Wall, crack emo boy's skull open, then cut his body to shreds. I'm not going to bother thinking about this match, it barely merits consideration.
Very well. What about the accusations that both of you have been sabotaging the other with inferior hair-care products?
So it WAS you who replaced my L'Arachel shampoo with... with that worthless store-brand drek?!?
You swapped my Finest Arts Mousse with that horribly slimy gunk? Die, you worthless scum!
Ah, two prissy guys catfighting. It's almost worth watching - almost.
AH OH MY GOD MUD MUD SO MUCH MUD RUN AWAAAAAY much to clean up... why can't you guys keep this place tidy?
That'd ruin the fun, Odin.
...right. Anyways. And next up on BtS... Legrettaaaaaaaa and ShadoOwOwOWOWOWOWOWOW-
Is it odd that I've been waiting for so long to do that in front of a camera? And the fact that it's Odin just made it even better.
...I'm impressed. Care for a drink?
Sure. Still going to have to cap your face in the arena, of course. Nothing personal, but you know that.
Interceptor and I'll do my best to keep you entertained...
Heh. I know you will, Shadow, I know you will. So, where are we going?
There's a nice bar, quiet, good music... good place to avoid the public. Shall we?
Wow. That has to be the quickest speeddate I've seen in a while.
And the quickest set of thirty bullets into someone's skull. Why does the janitor keep getting killed?
It's Odin. Enough said.
Next up is Balk, since Juan said he would sleep instead. So, Balk. What's your strategy in this fight?
Shoot until I manage to paralyze his arms, keep him unable to act, snipe away. Really, what I do all the time. And with my range, there's no way he can get to me without being awa-
NAP FROM ABOVE!!!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Argh, geroff me!
What does the sign on that wall say, Ultros?
Uh, lessee... "No vagrants allowed to sleep or fight in Studio 603 under penalty of Brahne." Under penalty of...
Fire away, Chisato!
Gotcha! Brahne-o-centric-transray 9000, fire!
Aaaah! What... what's happening? I... I...
GET OFF ME, YOU FREAK! GO AWAY! You're... crushing... me!
I feel pretty... oh so pretty...!
Oxygen... deprived... looking... good... there...
They'll make a cute couple. Quick, ship them both off to the Space Pope for a sloppy marraige while they're both delirious.
Nate, you made sure to cancel Frank and Vinsfeld at the last minute, right?
Yep. They're currently locked in the spare waiting room. We get to see which failure dies first.
Of what?
Stupidity. What else?
Odin's next paycheck on Vinsfeld. Frank looks immune to PURE IDEALS.
My next vacation on Frank.
I'll take that bet.
Any justification for that vote of confidence for Vinsfeld, chief?
He's going up against a Brazilian ninja who's, frankly, outclassed by a talking cat, two Incan strippers, a master of the surprisingly pointless art of Gun-Fu, a roly-poly vampire and a mariachi with a rocket launcher in his guitar. Admittedly, that last one wins on style points alone, let alone intelligence and battle capabilites. withdrawn; you're probably right.
And on that note, this is BtS's esteemed Morte, signing off on behalf of the DL. Happy voting!