Here we stand, my friends! On the end of yet another season. It was a pleasure to come this far with all of you. You may view the Results page now if you so wish.

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Hmm, Godlike...I could have sworn that Sephiroth and Luca have fought once before. I wonder if this battle will be any different than it was last time? Sephiroth still has his ability to fly, but perhaps Luca has learned a few tricks in the meantime? It's durability versus durability!

Wren and Gilgamesh are relatively similar. Wren has quite a bit of durability and an immunity to several status attacks. Gilgamesh trades in that durability for speed and status attacks! These two are a very interesting matchup and I look forward to seeing what many of you will think.

Selan has fought bravely and very hard to get here. Some certainly can't believe it, but "Magical Housewife Selan" is not to be Oh, I just got a note that says if I call her that again I'll apparently be drawn and quartered... at any rate, Tengaar isn't going to simply lay down and lose to this woman! She fully intends to use every bit of her magic to defeat Selan!

So it's your turn to turn the tide of these matches! Hurry to The Arena's and vote right now!

Don't forget that Not Ranked is still very much alive and can always use more votes! Please head on over there once you vote in the Arena and cast another vote! Thanks!

People are always welcome at The Forums so please head on over! Newcomes are invited to join and take part whenever they'd like.

As you may already know, The Season 26 Finals Topic is up on our forums for your discussion. Please feel free to take part.

Also remember that nomination pools will be accepted until Saturday, so please make sure you post them in the Nomination Pools topic.

**Everyone, listen! Have you ever wanted to take part in our Bonus Matches? Have you ever had a great idea you thought would make an awesome match? Well here's your chance! Just go to the Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

It was a pleasure to serve you all, I hope you'll all come back again next week. Behind the Scenes will not be seen this week, Chisato and her friends have the week off.
Off? What script are you reading? Chisato never has a day off.
I was merely under the impression that…
No rest for the weary, or, in Chisato’s case, the wicked! Can’t really ignore the fact that one of the crewmembers is in the finals, after all. Though I think Chisato has some issues to take care of before-hand…
Say it, squid! Say it!
Ah, come on. This is embarrassing enough as is.
That’s the whole point of it, calamari kid.
Yeah you doody-head!
Fine. I swear, the mental torture I go through on this show…
Supplication! Now! I demand it!
Yes, lord Chisato. I swear…this isn’t of my own free will!
You have no free will!
Welcome back to another episode of Behind the Scenes. I’m Ultros, the loser in Heavy, and this is the stunningly beautiful, amazingly powerful, and totally capable overlord Chisato, who I owe my undying gratitude and service to. May I please go vomit now?
Certainly. As the squid said, it’s Behind the Scenes time, Finals Week of Season Twenty-Six! With one of our own in the finals, we’re a bit tight on staffing as someone decided he should have the week off.
Hey, he’s done better than you have. He deserves something for it.
Don’t give me that look – I pay your rent.
Very well. Our fearless leader’s decision withstanding, let’s bring out our first guests. It’s time for a rematch in Godlike: please welcome Sephiroth and Luca Blight!
And the pretty boy cometh again.
Please. Your petty insults have no effect on me. I’m far above that.
Hehehehehehe! The violence! A chance for a second battle! The pork will be smoked! Hahahahahaha!
Luca…how can I say it? Why are you such a giant, walking cliché? You’re supposed to be a prince, and yet you have no sense of refinement at all.
Such a pig dares insult me? You shall feel the wrath of…
Did you just call me a pig!?
I think this is a new record – she usually doesn’t fly off the handle until after the first set of guests.
Unlike that freak of nature, I have a sense of refinement. My mother taught me very well.
I really don’t think you have room to be calling anyone a freak of nature. Aren’t you actually a test tube baby, all things considered?
The nice men in white coats told me that’s all a lie. I’m perfectly normal, birth and all.
Bah, the psych ward worked too hard on this one. How’s Chisato doing?
Uh…I think she’ll be busy for a while. She just put Luca into a headlock.
I. Am. Not. Fat!
Ehehehehehe! I can go all night! Die wench!
So let’s move on to something more interesting! Let’s bring out Heavy, and introduce our very own Gilgamesh! And that pile of scrap metal he’s fighting.
I do believe that comment was unnecessary and very heavily biased against me.
Futuristic technology at its finest, folks. It can pick out the minutiae of emotions in speech that no one would have ever guessed at.
Gilgamesh! My friend! Avenge my defeat!
I shall! And then we’ll take a trip to Jamaica!
Can I come too?
No. Trip for two, and I’ll only be taking the other recurring Final Fantasy boss. We need to stick together, after all.
Excuse me, but the odds I calculated for this match show that it’s not decidedly in any on combatant’s favour. Looking at the probability…
Really? Uh huh, yeah…
You’re not listening to me. You’re just shaking your head and saying things to make it look like you are.
True. But in the time it took you to figure that out, Gilgamesh moved fast enough to replace your Energizer batteries with Duracell batteries. You’ll power down in five…four…three…two…one…
Makes a good foot rest.
Yay! Serves him right! Middle time!
Our two lovely ladies from Middle are Tengaar, the he-woman, and Selan, the magical wife!
You do wear the pants in your relationship with Hix. It’s confused Odin to the point he can’t tell if you’re really a guy or a girl.
Not that he hasn’t been horribly confused before, just that he’s usually able to tell a pretty girl apart from an ugly man. It’s one thing he prides himself on.
I’m a god of many talents.
Whatever you say. All I know is that this victory will be what finally gets Hix off his butt and doing something worthwhile!
Personally, I find it odd that you’re doing all the work to get the guy off his butt. But, such is the duty of the Kate Chopin style feminist.
What type of worthwhile thing are you expecting Hix to do?
Oh…anything. Maybe become a stock-broker or something. He’s not much of a warrior, that’s for sure.
Especially considering the fact his girlfriend can beat him up.
Strong women scare me.
Ok Odin, we’ll move on to something less scary then. Selan!
You went from fighter queen extraordinaire to…well, a combat-ready wife and mother. That’s actually pretty respectable, now that I think about it. Think this will be enough to take out Tengaar and her mighty Earth Rune?
Easily. Her Earth Rune can’t block bolts of lightning from the sky.
I’ll just have to come up with some other plans of attack then. Perhaps a mighty earthquake will win this!
Well, good luck with that. Just don’t ask Hix for any combat advice.
Shall we wrap this up with Light?
I think we should. Hey Chisato! Are you done with Luca yet?
Yep. He was a tough nut to crack, but eventually I cracked ‘em.
So let’s hear it for Light! Sigurd and Kain, come on out!
As a card carrying member of W.U.D.A., I’m proud to be here.
I still can’t see how you’ve gotten this far.
Think about it: he’s fought an Arc the Lad character, i.e., the game that always loses; he’s fought a horribly forgettable Final Fantasy boss that most people don’t even care about; and most recently, he beat a Grandia boss. Really, I think you’re the first decent opponent he’s fought all season.
The moral support I’m getting from this show is beyond compare.
You come here for entertainment, not for psychotherapy.
Hey, I’m actually going back to school to become a psychotherapist!
Don’t quit your day-job, Moppy.
Same with the rest of you. And that brings us to the close of our show.
It does. Everyone, go vote Gilgamesh in the finals! Support us here at Behind the Scenes!
Hey, that’s illegal, isn’t it?
Go practice your jumping some more.
Don’t mind if I dddddoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!