Rejoice, dear readers, for a new season has arrived! Filled with hopeful fighters excited to be given their shot at stardom, this is what the RPGDL is all about! Come on in and enjoy not only a brand new season, but also a brand new look! We've updated our look, and we'd love it if you made some comments on it while you're commenting on this week's matches.

First, head over to Last Week's Results, where the results from the bonus match, team match, and re-rankings period are. Did Ghaleon get revenge on Piastol? Did the divisional champions upgrade to a higher division? All these questions and more can be answered inside, dear readers!

With last season all closed up and done, Week One of Season Seventeen awaits! In the dark recesses of Light, the brave knight Lowen must ride fearlessly to battle against...a little girl? But this is no ordinary little girl: indeed, the power of the Dark Aurora flows through her veins! Can Lowen fight back the power that Meredy commands? In Middle, Twoson's psionic headliner, Paula, makes a return the DL after a long absence. And yet, she may be out of the running again: after all, freezing the dead isn't exactly easy, especially when they can do the same to you! In Heavy, swords and sorcery fly, as Cecilia and the original Final Fantasy Knight do battle in one of the DL's mosty hotly contested divisions. And finally in Godlike: it's one of the ugliest draws we've had in a while. No, really, the fighters are not very keen nice on the eyes: giant bugs, hydras, horses with wings, and a little baby on a flying pillow should make for some interesting fashion critique this week.

And while you're at it, give the The RPG Strategy League a going over. Decisions must be made, dear reader: with a wounded Thursday, and terrifying knowledge hanging over his head, Captain Gordon was forced to make a decision: leave his comrade behind, or head out and warn Laharl of the new menace approaching. In times of battle, one must always make hard decisions: to leave a friend behind, or fight the bigger fight. What did our hero choose, and how will his choices affect the horrible battles to come?

Don't forget to stop by the RPGDL Forums, dear readers, as it's active as ever! With loads of informational topics to peruse, heartfelt debates to take part in, and nightly chat insanity, what better place to procrastinate from doing your other work?

With us, as always, is the ever dutiful Chisato Madison, famed investigational reporter, ready to head Behind the Scenes for a look at the ligher side of the RPGDL:
Welcome to a brand new season of Behind the Scenes! I’m Morte, your lovable skeleton co-host…
…I’m Gilgamesh, wielder of the legendary Excalipur…
…and I’m Ultros, the camera man! We’re ready to show you that a skull, an octopus, and a Babylonian hero really can make a difference!
Of course we are. Now…
Hey, I didn’t get a chance to be introduced!
And we care why?
Chisato’s out of town this week, something about a journalist convention or some such. So the real stars behind the show will take on the interviews for her this week. So let’s start! Bring in the first victims, Moppy!
No one cares about my feelings. Anyway, presenting Light guests, Lucia and Edward!
Hey, where’s the little freak?
I believe he’s hiding.
Awwww…well, I guess we can’t tell him the good news.
Good news?
Indeed. He’s been slated with very high odds of winning this week. In fact, people are talking about him winning a championship and upgrading!
APRIL FOOL! Hahahahahaha!
Awww…now you made him all run away.
But it was fun to watch, at least. You have to admit that much.
Teehee, I guess so.
Anyway: Lucia, you’re pretty much considered to be the most pointless character in Shadow Hearts: Covenant. People call you, among other things: a ditz, a “lady of the night”, a…ok, even I’m not going to repeat that word. Any thoughts?
Oh, were you talking? I was staring at the lights.
Hey Odin! I think we found the perfect woman for you!
Anyway, let’s bring out the Middle guests. Presenting: Dart and Lucia!
Oh, did someone call my name?
Uh, hi?
Well, isn’t this wonderful. Dart, shouldn’t you have an axe with you?
No, I have a sword.
It’s not the Dart we’re looking for.
To the moon!
Bah, such a waste.
Well, it was either him or more Fire Emblem, so…
We at least win this way.
Good point. So…Lucia…
What a week this is going to be. Hehe!
Right. So, non-slutty Lucia, you’re one of the last members of your cast to get a fight in the DL. Do you think you can take down your respectable foe this week?
Why aren’t they talking?
I think it was the “non-slutty” qualifier you used.
Well, that was entertaining. Next up on the list is Heavy. Come out, fleshbags!
That introduction wasn’t good enough.
Ah! He’s evil!
Guh, evil?! I am not evil! How can you look at this glorious, divine face, and call it evil?!
The moustache.
Definitely the moustache.
0001 11010 0101.
He’s the other guest?
Looks like it.
Well, he looks less evil at least.
I am not evil!
Keep telling yourself that, buddy. So, Worker, how’s it feel to be a downgraded little runt?
101 1111.
Doesn’t he speak English?
More to the point: how you pronounce a number?
The same way you’d say the number, I guess.
No, that’s saying a number, not pronouncing it.
Uh…how about we avoid this conversation? It’s making my head hurt.
Sure, sure. Let’s call out the last guests for the night: Come on out Garan and Vigoro!
Hey…we’re missing Vigoro!
That poor sap went chasing after some girls who got thrown out of the studio. I saw him start running as soon as we entered the parking lot.
He probably saw their undergarments as they flew through the air.
Oh hell, even I’d go chasing after that, and I’m lacking a lower body.
So Garan, ever been asked why you look the way you do?
Yes, several times. And every time they’ve asked I’ve…stripped the flesh from their bones!
Whoa, chilling voice there.
Even I’m scared now. This guy is creepy.
Indeed: head of a baby on the body of a midget riding a flying pillow is creepy.
You…I will teach you to respect me!
Wha! Ok, fire bad, tree pretty. I’m out of here!
Well, from all of us here at Behind the Scenes, thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next week. Hopefully, Chisato will be back to spank this bab…Ow! Seafood Soup!