So, my friends, we have at last come to the end of Season 29. What else does that mean? It means it is the end of my career as your host for this lovely arena. Worry not, my replacement will amaze and astound you. He is a man with quite a bit of "gusto," as he calls it. It has been my pleasure to see you all every week and I hope I can stop in every so often to say hello. But enough of my rambling! Please, check out the Results and see who won, or just scroll down a bit.

**Importantion information for newcomers! Please click This Link to go to a post made by our moderators that should hopefully answer several of your questions! If you have any more, simply feel free to go to the forums and ask!**

Fou-lu and his party of Hugo, Lucian and Genis will now be facing quite the team. Fou-lu, however, has his powerful Dragon attacks to back his team up, as well as Hugo's Fire spells or his Wind of Sleep to put them out. Lucian will add an amazing amount of damage, while Genis simply chips with his spells.

On the other side, Kefka faces Fou-lu with Purim, Jerin and Sophia at his side. With the wealth of healing his team has, they don't even need to have a lot of damage. However, they do anyway! Kefka can lash out with Havoc Wings while Purim keeps the pressure on with her spells. Jerin and Sophia can simply keep everyone alive while the rest of the team attacks.

Do not miss your chance! Vote now! The Arena waits just for you!

Not Ranked will return in a few weeks, my friends, so please be patient. In the meantime, if you have any ideas for newcomers to fight in the arena, by all means, suggest them.

People are always welcome at The Forums so please head on over! Newcomes are invited to join and take part whenever they'd like.

Do not forget to go and look at Bonus Match Ideas Post and read all about it!

Well, my friends, my time with you this week has drawn to a close. I hope that my replacement will warm your hearts, just as I have. I will always be with you my friends, may your lives be as rosy as my soul.
Welcome to Behind the Scenes, bringing you the best in the RPGDL! Oh, and the people who are actually competing, too. I'm Gilgamesh, along with the usual gang of idiots. And now, the star of our show, Chisato Madison!
Well, it took us long enough, but we finally have four female champions in the same season!
Excuse me?
I wouldst not be laughing, jester. After all, thou art more feminine than I be.
You've got to be joking. And that's my schtick! Stop stealing my material, you miscreant!
Mayhaps, but I be not the one who wears makeup.
Um, that's not makeup.
Oh my.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
We don't. We hate you because you're a spiteful, insane, megalomanical killer.
Couldst we get to the interviewing now?
Why? We already know what's going to happen. We'll talk, and you'll use your faux Olde English speak and say nothing of any importance, and then I'll talk to Kefka and he'll laugh hysterically and set fire to Ultros.
Mine comments are of great import! If the fault lies anywhere, it wouldst be in thy questions.
May I remind you that I have a flamethrower and I know how to use it?
Ah, now that be a question worthy of consideration.
Water! Water! Aagh, I'm on fire!
What? You said I could!
But not until we're finished!
But we're done now, right?
Why won't you help me!
Hey, keep thy distance or... or...
Mine hair! Mine beautiful, in absolutely no way feminine hair!
Goal! Uwehehe!
Hmm. Perhaps I should revise my opinion of football. In any case, since our guests are either on fire or flaming, as it were, I think it's fine time we see what Heavy has for us.
Fire! Fire!
Yeah, fire's cool.
Why art thou all watching me and not assisting?
The flames are so entrancing...
Yes. A pity they didn't help me beat you.
So, grudging respect for the harem girl at last?
She beat me fair and square. It would be callous to dismiss her after that. Besides, Mom didn't raise me to be a sore loser.
Nope, just a regular, garden variety loser.
And when's the last time you won a match, skull?
Match? Sure, you can have one! Fire!
Oh sure, now it works.
And now for Middle, where I have a bone to pick with Lucian.
You implied that it's solely because of my absence that Asgard hasn't been attacked lately. That's nothing more than coincidence.
Keep telling yourself that.
Lucy does have a point, Moppy. I mean, everywhere you go, violence follows.
Oh, yeah? Name one example.
Is that my cue? Do I get to burn people again?
NO! No, I get the point. I'm just going to go and... get my asbestos suit. Yeah, that's the ticket.
It's nice of you to speak up, Jerin. Congratulations on your championship.
Thank you.
So, are you looking forward to Heavy, should you upgrade?
To a certain extent. Anything that gets me away from Lufia is a bonus. Do you know she tried to kill me when I brought over her medication after the show last week?
Yes. It seems she still hasn't gotten over the way I beat her in the arena so long ago. I mean, she's normally cool towards me, but this was over the top. Thank goodness I put her in the straightjacket beforehand, or it would have been a problem.
And how long before had she been in the jacket?
Only a couple of weeks.
And that's all from us this week...
Now wait just a moment here!
Yeah, that's completely unfair!
You nearly completely ignored us last week.
I didn't even get the chance to properly answer a question!
Heck, we got stuck with Dorkapella here.
And now you're just going to cast us aside - again!
Yeah, that's about it. Bye!
I hate you so much right now.
Well, that's another season down the tubes. On behalf of the redhead, the skull, the trouble magnet, and the overcooked octopus, this is Gilgamesh wishing you and yours the best. Good night. Hey, maybe we should get some fire extinguishers in here.
Nah, they'll be fine.